We have an abundance of smart technology, from artificial intelligence to robotics, but who are the humans who program this tech- and where do they find jobs? They’re called data scientists, applicants of math, data, AI, and the scientific method; and from 2011-2012, job postings for “data scientist” jumped by 15,000%. Operationally speaking, data scientists use heterogeneous data to solve complex problems: preparing, testing, and communicating data analysis. Interestingly enough, anyone can be a data scientist. From Dr. Jenn Gamble, Director of Noodle.ai, “You don’t necessarily need a Ph.D to do data science – you need an aptitude for math and a creative, problem-solving mentality.” Saying this, let’s dig into the job market of data science.
Among the most in-demand roles sought after are Data Engineers, Software Engineers, and AI Hardware Specialists. To briefly explain- data engineers create and maintain methods that bring in data, software engineers analyze business data and design software to fit needs, and AI hardware specialists create and program AI to perform specific tasks.
By the end of 2020, there will be more than 2.7 million job listings for data scientists, proving its essentiality. Data scientists are extremely capable, holding abilities to change the world through technological creations such as building AI software for automation, retailers, and convenience.
We are moving at a fast pace, and data science technology can alleviate many obstacles of the future. By 2025, 175 billion terabytes of data will be created every day; however, IBM revealed that 90% of the world’s data was created within the last 2 years back in 2013.
Remember: data science is a trend today, but the concept has lingered for the past three centuries. Find out if you have the skills of a data scientist to make a career change, and take in the history of data science, by reading the provided graphic.
Infographic source: Noodle.ai
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