Tag Archives: Success

Why you should track your email’s long tail to measure success (plus a case study)

Get tips on finding the right reporting window to capture your email campaigns’ true long-term performance. Kath Pay on May 15, 2024   When someone talks about “long tail” strategy, you probably think it begins and ends with search engine marketing. But it should be a part of your email campaign planning as well.  If … Continue reading Why you should track your email’s long tail to measure success (plus a case study)

B2C marketing automation: The tools, tactics and prerequisites for success

Marketing automation in B2C uses different tactics and goals than in B2B, but in the end, it’s all about revenue. Mike Pastore on May 24, 2024   B2C marketing deals with consumer purchases, which means B2C marketers are targeting individuals or small groups of people who make purchase decisions.  High-end consumer purchases, like automobiles and … Continue reading B2C marketing automation: The tools, tactics and prerequisites for success

Advertising in local markets: A playbook for success

Dominate local markets by mastering hyper-targeted advertising, creating localized content and fostering lasting customer relationships. Jessica Hawthorne-Castro on April 19, 2024   Many brands, such as those in the home services industry or a local grocery chain, market to specific locations, cities or regions. There are also national brands that want to expand in specific … Continue reading Advertising in local markets: A playbook for success

Adopting consent-based analytics for long-term marketing success

Practical insights for implementing consent seamlessly in your digital analytics strategy amid evolving privacy laws and user expectations. Alan K’necht on April 16, 2024 It’s important to start monitoring consent management as part of your digital analytics strategy. Apart from the EU, various privacy laws in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and other regions require … Continue reading Adopting consent-based analytics for long-term marketing success

Meta Magic: How Title Tags & Descriptions Help Drive Search Success

  Meta Magic: How Title Tags & Descriptions Help Drive Search Success Ruud Hein | March 7th, 2024   Meta tags, especially the <title> tag and meta descriptions, are an important component of on-page optimization, albeit in different ways. The <title> tag is a heavyweight contender in SEO for a couple of reasons: search engines … Continue reading Meta Magic: How Title Tags & Descriptions Help Drive Search Success

Google tells antitrust judge government trying to punish company for Search success

Google claims the U.S. Government is trying to penalize it for being successful in a post-trial brief submitted to a DC Judge. Nicola Agius on February 26, 2024 Google accused the U.S. government of wanting to punish it for being more successful than its competitors. The company made the comments in an unsealed post-trial brief … Continue reading Google tells antitrust judge government trying to punish company for Search success