Tag Archives: Poor

High salaries, poor performance: These were the most overpaid CEOs last year

May 21, 2024 High salaries, poor performance: These were the most overpaid CEOs last year Most CEOs of S&P 500 companies got a raise of at least 9%, according to a new ‘Wall Street Journal’ report. And some CEOs made millions despite their bad performance. BY Chris Morris When it comes to CEO salaries, no one … Continue reading High salaries, poor performance: These were the most overpaid CEOs last year

Revenue Lost By Poor Digital Experience Can Now Be Measured

Revenue Lost By Poor Digital Experience Can Now Be Measured by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 17, 2022 Tracking the performance and qualifying the financial impact of a customer’s digital experience typically requires the ability to analyze data and benchmark it to compare to others in the industry. Developers at Qualtrics XM believe they … Continue reading Revenue Lost By Poor Digital Experience Can Now Be Measured

Poor Conversion Rates? It Could Be Time for a Website Content Review

Susan Tucker October 7, 2021 The content on your website is what builds relationships with your audience and leads them to take the action you want them to take. If your website isn’t working to achieve this goal, there’s a good chance the problem is your content. Sometimes, you need to conduct a review and … Continue reading Poor Conversion Rates? It Could Be Time for a Website Content Review

How Poor Communication Strategies Widened the Corporate Productivity Gap

Isaac Dumet September 24, 2021 Despite investing heavily in digital solutions at the start of the pandemic, many business leaders are seeing productivity losses within their organizations. With economies around the world re-opening, they are now looking at the future shape of their workforces. The downward productivity trend after initial gains at the start of … Continue reading How Poor Communication Strategies Widened the Corporate Productivity Gap

Curb Call Center Attrition by with Dealing Poor Performers

Suzanna Colberg — May 6, 2020 No company wants its worst performers to stick around for a long time. However, for many call centers, this “reverse attrition” problem is exactly what happens. Employees who execute interviews beautifully leave you with the kind of buyer’s remorse even your most bitter customers could only dream about. Sometimes … Continue reading Curb Call Center Attrition by with Dealing Poor Performers

Poor Colour Contrast Can Impact Your Website

Brent Morrison — March 20, 2019 — March 20, 2019 Imagine trying to browse the internet but you can’t read anything. You squint and look closer. You adjust your screen. You try everything but nothing seems work. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many people who suffer from vision deficiencies, including those with colour deficiencies, … Continue reading Poor Colour Contrast Can Impact Your Website

How To Avoid the Enormous Costs of Poor Succession Planning

Darleen DeRosa — March 8, 2019 Follow @onpoint_llc — March 8, 2019 When it comes to identifying and developing future leaders, ignorance can be costly. Without a robust succession strategy in place, companies run the risk of spending valuable resources promoting leaders who turn out to be the wrong fit and must ultimately be replaced. … Continue reading How To Avoid the Enormous Costs of Poor Succession Planning