Tag Archives: Microsites

Landing Page … Or Microsite? Forget the Bad Rep of Microsites and Learn When & Why To Use Which

Bart de Pelsmaeker — April 9, 2017 Follow @bartdp— April 9, 2017 Microsites used to be a very popular tool a couple of years back, but got a very bad rep because microsites were heavily abused by black-hat SEO folks, who used them to set up private blog networks and artificially create backlinks to content. … Continue reading Landing Page … Or Microsite? Forget the Bad Rep of Microsites and Learn When & Why To Use Which

Mailable Microsites: How REI ‘Served’ Up Interactivity Using Hamburger Menu

Kevin George — January 29, 2017 Follow @imkevin_monk— January 29, 2017 Any object’s value is based on its utility in day-to-day situations. When the application of an object surpasses its initially defined purpose, it is called value addition. Value addition is always welcome. A minor tweak in the interaction to simplify the method of information … Continue reading Mailable Microsites: How REI ‘Served’ Up Interactivity Using Hamburger Menu

Mailable Microsites– How B&Q clinched it with Carousel in Email

Kevin George — January 17, 2017 Follow @imkevin_monk— January 17, 2017 Mailable microsites are the next big thing for sure as far as email marketing is concerned. From eCommerce businesses to home décor retailers, everyone seems to be catching the gravy train. B&Q, UK’s leading home improvement and garden living retailer, was one of the … Continue reading Mailable Microsites– How B&Q clinched it with Carousel in Email

Why You Should Use Unique Domain Names for Shortcuts and Microsites

by Jeff Sass July 12, 2016 Follow @sassJuly 12, 2016 Dedicated microsites and landing pages are very popular for various marketing campaigns, and now with new domain extensions catching on, your web destinations can be even more effective. With more and more domains — from .blog to .coffee to .club to .rocks — becoming available … Continue reading Why You Should Use Unique Domain Names for Shortcuts and Microsites

How Procter & Gamble Boosts Its Business With Content-Rich Microsites

Hephzy AsaoluMarch 18, 2015 The first thing a business owner thinks about in regards to online marketing is the business website. Most businesses have a website; however, a handful of big corporations and organizations have microsites for a variety of products and services they market to the public. “Is a website not enough?” you might ask. “What … Continue reading How Procter & Gamble Boosts Its Business With Content-Rich Microsites