Tag Archives: Discovered

Computational scientists may have discovered why working the night shift is bad for your health

May 14, 2024 Computational scientists may have discovered why working the night shift is bad for your health Late shifts disrupt the proteins responsible for regulating glucose, a small study has found, which may explain higher rates of diabetes and obesity among certain workers. BY Shalene Gupta Night shift workers are at a higher risk for … Continue reading Computational scientists may have discovered why working the night shift is bad for your health

These Gen Z employees have discovered the secret to getting a bigger raise—switch jobs

  By Shalene Gupta When “Connie,” 26, landed her first job out of college in 2020, she knew she wanted a raise. She was earning $60,000 in New York City as a consultant. Her first raise got her to $67,000, but she knew she’d have to switch jobs to get a substantial raise. “Everyone tells … Continue reading These Gen Z employees have discovered the secret to getting a bigger raise—switch jobs

Dartmouth mathematicians have discovered a formula to help you beat the office bully

  By Sam Becker June 30, 2023 Don’t bend, don’t break: That may be the winning strategy to defeat office bullies, according to new research. Researchers from Dartmouth College have found that there may be some surprising ways to fight back against workplace bullies, uncovering an “Achilles’ heel” that can help equalize the playing—or working—field. … Continue reading Dartmouth mathematicians have discovered a formula to help you beat the office bully

This startup just raised more than half a billion dollars to change how new drugs get discovered

  By Adam Bluestein February 19, 2023   You don’t bet against Zach Weinberg. In 2010, at age 24, he sold Insight Media, the display advertising and exchange bidding company he cofounded with Nat Turner, to Google for a reported $81 million. Their next venture, Flatiron Health, a data-science software company that pioneered the use … Continue reading This startup just raised more than half a billion dollars to change how new drugs get discovered

7 marketing and promotion tactics to get your content discovered

Contributor Kristopher Jones outlines seven tried-and-true content promotion strategies that will drive traffic to your content and website. Kristopher Jones on March 14, 2018     It’s no secret a well-executed content marketing campaign can deliver a solid return on investment. According to Demand Metric, content marketing generates three times more leads than most outbound … Continue reading 7 marketing and promotion tactics to get your content discovered

My Tool Philosophy + 3 Free Tools I Just Discovered and Now Can’t Live Without

by Christopher Riegger May 1, 2016 Follow @chrisrieggerMay 1, 2016 Over the last 30 days I’ve discovered three free, online tools that I’m particularly excited about. Each has helped to make me more productive or accomplish my goals in some way. I want to share them with you. But in order to do that we … Continue reading My Tool Philosophy + 3 Free Tools I Just Discovered and Now Can’t Live Without

Pinterest Expert Reveals How To Get Your Pins Discovered on Pinterest’s Guided Search Tool

Anna BennettMarch 24, 2015 Yes, Pinterest is about pretty images but you can’t expect your images to do all the heavy lifting to get you found on Pinterest’s Guided Search Tool. Success on Pinterest isn’t just one thing; there are multiple smaller factors that contribute to operating a successful account. I have said this before; … Continue reading Pinterest Expert Reveals How To Get Your Pins Discovered on Pinterest’s Guided Search Tool