Tag Archives: Decision

The Eisenhower Decision Matrix: Important vs. Urgent

by Julie Kantor November 11, 2015 Follow @JPKantorConsultNovember 11, 2015 The 34th President of the United States is the subject of today’s post—and in reality, an interesting case study in what effective executive leadership, focus, and prioritization looks like when related to productivity measures. A fact: Dwight Eisenhower lived an incredibly productive life, and here’s … Continue reading The Eisenhower Decision Matrix: Important vs. Urgent

How Willpower Works: The Science Of Decision Fatigue And How To Avoid Bad Decisions

James ClearSeptember 29, 2015 Why do we make unhealthy and unproductive choices — even when we know we should do better? If you ask most people, they will say that poor choices are a result of a “lack of willpower.” But research from Columbia University is beginning to reveal that willpower doesn’t quite work that … Continue reading How Willpower Works: The Science Of Decision Fatigue And How To Avoid Bad Decisions

6 Sources To Consult Before Any MarTech Investment Decision

David CraneSeptember 17, 2015 Most marketing technologies these days have multiple applications. Two separate systems may provide completely complementary capabilities for one marketing organization while being entirely redundant for another. This is just one reason why thoroughly researching your marketing tech investments is so important. While there never seems to be enough time to perform an … Continue reading 6 Sources To Consult Before Any MarTech Investment Decision

3 CMO Signals For Sensing Shifts In Buyer Decision Behaviors

Tony ZambitoJune 14, 2015 The calendar is usually full. Exercise coming from jogging from one meeting to the next. Engrossed in the daily demands for time and being in the moment of now. The now being a crisis or a looming project deadline. The gnawing feeling of something being missed about customers and buyers never … Continue reading 3 CMO Signals For Sensing Shifts In Buyer Decision Behaviors

Blogger’s Block? Reduce Decision Fatigue in Your Blogging Routine

Linda DessauMay 14, 2015 © stryjek – Fotolia.com When I read this post about how to streamline decision making in your life, I immediately considered how the same principles apply to business blogging. The idea behind decision fatigue is that we consciously and unconsciously make countless decisions in our daily lives, including what to eat, … Continue reading Blogger’s Block? Reduce Decision Fatigue in Your Blogging Routine

Data Driven Decision Making

Chris Rees December 3, 2014   At Sigmapro we have studied many organisations that have achieved success, and identified four organisational competences that are required to achieve a sustainable approach to business improvement. These are Strategic Thinking, Operational Excellence, Data Driven Decision Making and Continual & Breakthrough Improvement. Supported by the right kind of culture, … Continue reading Data Driven Decision Making