Tag Archives: Crowds

Unlocking the wisdom of crowds at your agency or on your marketing team

You may have heard about the wisdom of crowds, but how can you unlock this asset in your digital marketing work? Contributor Rex Briggs shares processes to use and pitfalls to avoid. Rex Briggs on February 14, 2018   Generally speaking, our culture values the opinions of experts. Just tune into any of the leading … Continue reading Unlocking the wisdom of crowds at your agency or on your marketing team

What is Reputation? People, Crowds, and Artificial Intelligence Decide

Kent Campbell — February 14, 2017 Follow @reputationx— February 14, 2017 There are two parts to your reputation: what you do and what people say about you. If people are consistently saying negative things about your company, it’ll ultimately catch up and stunt your growth. Although there are entire books about reputation and how it … Continue reading What is Reputation? People, Crowds, and Artificial Intelligence Decide

Black Friday Weekend: E-Commerce Thinned Crowds, Mobile Devices Drove Traffic

More complex, omnichannel shopping behavior in evidence over the weekend. Greg Sterling on November 30, 2015 Black Friday ain’t what it used to be. The cultural ritual (if I can call it that) appears to have lost some of its mojo, as many retailers, seeking attention and competitive advantage, make Black Friday-style deals available before … Continue reading Black Friday Weekend: E-Commerce Thinned Crowds, Mobile Devices Drove Traffic