Category Archives: Digital Advertisement

Digital advertising braces for signal loss and Privacy Sandbox

IAB Tech Lab CEO Anthony Katsur calls for ‘Great Reset’ for ad industry facing epic changes to addressability and managing consumers’ privacy. Chris Wood on April 2, 2024 Two years ago, IAB CEO David Cohen called the situation adtech faced a “slow-motion train wreck.” Last week, IAB Tech Lab CEO Anthony Katsur called for a … Continue reading Digital advertising braces for signal loss and Privacy Sandbox

Digital Advertising Has A Huge Problem: Carbon Emissions

Digital Advertising Has A Huge Problem: Carbon Emissions by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, September 1, 2023 Independent digital performance agency has integrated Scope3 into its platform to allow advertisers to measure each campaign’s carbon emissions across every domain with data displayed in real-time for clients such as FormulaE, Chipotle, RFU, Oggs, and Planted. … Continue reading Digital Advertising Has A Huge Problem: Carbon Emissions

‘Bad’ digital ad spending can harm the environment

As we come up to Earth Day, know that the media properties with the biggest carbon footprint are typically fraud, click-bait or offer low-value inventory. Constantine von Hoffman on April 21, 2023 “Bad” digital ad spending is very bad for the environment. That’s the finding of Scope3’s State of Sustainability Report which found that media … Continue reading ‘Bad’ digital ad spending can harm the environment

Digital advertising automation is here: Are you ready? by Fluency

Is your organization ready for automation? We have your checklist for success. Fluency on February 21, 2023 The benefits of automation are clear: replace the need to manually manage your digital advertising accounts with fulfilling work, such as strategic planning and forward-thinking conversations. Drastically reduce the stress related to a business exclusively powered by people—such … Continue reading Digital advertising automation is here: Are you ready? by Fluency

GumGum introduces a personal data-free approach to digital advertising

Taking a step beyond contextual advertising, GumGum identifies three components to serve relevant ads without using personal data at all. Kim Davis on March 4, 2022 GumGum, a contextual-first digital advertising platform, has launched The Mindset Matrix, a framework for delivering targeted ad campaigns, across current and future channels, without the use of cookies or … Continue reading GumGum introduces a personal data-free approach to digital advertising