Marketing from the Heart

Marketing from the Heart image photo 3This week, I am working on really opening up my mind to some new ideas. I will be getting a chance to listen to some great marketing presentations and networking with some of the best people in marketing.

In order to do this, I must focus less on my own “marketing knowledge” and open my heart more to new ideas. I am convinced that great ideas come from the heart. Yes, the heart, not the head. I am not talking about implementing an seo tip here and there or adding a piece of code on my website to hopefully attract new readers.

I want revolutionary ideas. To do this, I am going to focus on the following:

  • Looking at a process from beginning to end.
  • What do other marketing director spend their time and resources on with respect to their marketing plans?
  • Where do people see marketing going in 2015?
  • What successes are other companies experiencing with respect to their marketing initiatives?
  • How can companies get better at facilitating and nurturing client relationships?

Finally, I want to listen more and more and write down key points from discussions and presentations. This information will be used as the basis for developing new ideas.

Think of the best ideas that you have ever had both personally and professionaly. Did it come about as the result of a strategic planning process? For me, no. The best ideas I have ever been able to implemented involved the following:

  • Input from others
  • A heart to heart session of being honest with myself
  • A genuine need to serve clients better (providing value)
  • A way to bring more people together to achieve something great
  • The idea was in and of itself, revolutionary

The next time you go to a conference, take some time and determine what you want to get our of your experience. It will help you maintain your focus and set your activities in a way that will produce results for the future.

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