How to Make the Most Out of Small Business Facebook Groups

— November 7, 2018

How to Make the Most Out of Small Business Facebook Groups

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We know that small business Facebook groups can be very beneficial. However, there are so many different groups to choose from these days and you’ll want to avoid getting overwhelmed.

It’s true that small business Facebook groups can be quite ineffective if we don’t optimize the opportunity they can provide. So how do you make the most out of the Facebook groups you’re in? Here are some key tips to keep in mind.

Limit the Number of Groups You Join

I know most of us have Facebook groups we joined but quickly became inactive. When was the last time you audited your Facebook groups list? Some groups sound like they’d be great to join, but if you’re not interacting or even reading the posts, it’s a waste of time and space on your feed.

Narrow down your business goals over the next few months and only join groups that align with those goals. Be realistic about how much time you can spend on Facebook and limit yourself to a reasonable number of groups to join like 3 or 4. You’ll find that to be plenty once you start implementing these next few tips.

Start Off Strong/Introduce Yourself

Most groups will allow you to introduce yourself and share your goals and interests. It’s funny how some people join Facebook groups and don’t introduce themselves even when they’re tagged and asked to do so.

There’s no reason to be shy and miss out on the opportunity to plug your business for free. By posting a quick intro, you can tell people about your site, what you do, and what you’re hoping to get out of the group.

This helps the admins know how to better serve you and can even allow you to make some connections with other group members right off the bat. Plus, when new group members are searching for a particular business or topic, they may come across your introduction and passive pitch.

Contribute and Ask Questions

There is often a wealth of knowledge in small business Facebook groups. Sometimes, you may join because you know or follow the admin and like their influence. However, you may have no idea who else is in the group along with the value they can provide to you.

This is why it’s important to utilize the knowledge in the group by asking questions and requesting feedback. I developed the concept for one of the products I created earlier this year after asking for advice in a Facebook group.

Also, don’t forge to give back as much as you receive. Pop in the group a few times a week to answer questions or support others. It really doesn’t take much time to do this. You probably get on Facebook several times a day and if you’re only in a few groups, it shouldn’t seem like much of a commitment.

Promote Yourself and Make Connections

Some groups allow free promo days which is the best. There will often be a thread where you promote what you do, plug your recent products and projects, and share details about your services.

Some groups even encourage connecting via business partnerships or even helping support each other via social media. For one group I’m in, occasionally someone posts a thread where everyone can post their social media links for follows or join a Pinterest tribe so everyone can promote each other’s content.


Don’t underestimate the power of Facebook groups. It’s not just fun and games when you’re trying to grow a business. Use these tips to make the most out of free small business Facebook groups so you can reach your goals faster.

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