Conversion Optimization: Shopping Carts

by Ari Gillam April 10, 2016
April 10, 2016

Conversion rate optimization is the process of increasing the percentage of your online site’s traffic that converts, but before your shoppers reach checkout, they must encounter a shopping cart page that is effective, simple, and secure.

While many online sites have sizable traffic, there is a significant disconnect between traffic volume and conversion rates. With 67.89 percent of shopping carts abandoned online, an optimized shopping cart is a crucial component to conversion optimization.

You’ve built a solid homepage, and created compelling product pages- now, we’ll lay down four ways to create a pleasant, optimized shopping cart experience.
cart conversion optimization
Save Your Shopper’s Cart

Save your shopper’s time.

Conversion optimization is getting your customers to do what you want- by that same token, you have to give them what they want. Nurture the conversion and save those shopping carts!

Saving shopping carts is valuable both to you and your customer; you are providing a means for your shopper to easily pick up where they left off, while obtaining valuable information. Collect an email address in exchange for a saved cart and send them their shopping cart via email; this encounter keeps your brand and your products at the forefront of your shopper’s mind – no matter what life situation initially interrupted the sale.

cart optimizationEasily Allow For Shopping Cart Updates/ Edits/ Add-Ons

Never make your shopper have to press the “back” button.

Shopping cart edits and updates should occur directly on your shopping cart page. If your design doesn’t call for easy edits, then you are making it easy for your shopper to abandon.

The shopping cart page is a step away from checkout, but it is still a valuable opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and AOV. Recommending related products, upselling upgrades, or presenting warranty options is an effective way to continue to sell to your shoppers, with tact.

cart conversion promotion
Offer Free Shipping

Combat unexpected and high shipping costs
with an incentive threshold.

High shipping costs are the number one reason for abandoned shopping carts; more than 59% of online shoppers want to see the total price before reaching the checkout page. Offering free shipping is a simple, easy solution to ensure your customer doesn’t abandon their purchase because they are caught off guard by price.

Offer free shipping with a value threshold. “Free shipping on orders over $ 99” not only is a clear incentive to guide your customers to conversion, but instating a threshold is a great way to increase AOV. If free shipping does not make fiscal sense for your product, calculate approximate shipping costs, to give your shopper’s as much information as possible, as early as possible.

secure cart conversion optimizationSecure The Conversion

A security seal establishes a trustworthy conversion environment.

Thwart conversion uncertainty with a trust indicator. Safety seals build a safe environment for your customer to convert, before they reach the checkout page and reach for their credit cards.

Compelling your site visitors to reach the checkout page means your shopping cart page leaves nothing for the mind – or wallet – to imagine. With clear pricing, ease of use, and trustworthiness, your optimized shopping cart page is a polished piece on your path to conversion optimization.

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