10 Types of Marketing Emails to Rock Your Business

by Alexandra Giarratano February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016

zag interactive email marketing typesEmail marketing is here to stay and is a cost-effective and powerful component of many businesses inbound marketing strategy. However, considering the average click-through rate is 3.5% across all industries, developing an effective email message strategy is imperative for success.

There are many types of marketing emails you can send to your audience so understanding which types make the most sense for your business is an essential first step. Let’s explore the most common types of marketing emails so that you can plan your email design and strategy accordingly.

Welcome Emails

Think of it as your digital introductory handshake to your audience. Every company should send a welcome email to new subscribers, and about 80% of them already do. A welcome email not only confirms subscription but lets people know what they can expect from your business, your brand personality, and everything to which they’ll connect. It’s easy to automate this message, and it’s beneficial to include a discount, promo code or welcome gift when people click through to your site.

Promotional Emails

Once an email recipient opens your email, you only have a finite amount of time to grab and hold their attention. The key is a quick click to your site based on a clear, appealing message. Keep your message short and make sure people know they must act quickly before an expiration date.

Newsletter Emails

When interested customers sign up for your newsletters, it’s an opportunity for you to build or strengthen your relationship. Don’t overburden them with information, though. Keep your writing concise and digestible, make it easy to click for more information, and always include your contact information so readers can find you easily.

New Product Emails

People love to know the latest gossip and news. When you launch a new product, tell your subscribers immediately! And don’t hide your excitement. Use the subject line of your email to entice your subscribers since 33% of email recipients open email based on subject line alone. Then satisfy your email recipient’s interest by providing at least one high-quality image of your new product or service within the email message.

How-To Advice Email

Yes, people love a great offer, but they really appreciate advice on how to get the most from your great offer/product/service. Telling people how they can improve their lives by using your products moves you from sales mode to trusted advisor/friend status, which helps strengthen your relationship. Keep your message focused on providing platinum-level customer service.

“Come Back Soon” Emails

Once people convert with you, gently encourage them to return and enjoy another wonderful experience with your company. Remind them of the value you offer and their previous orders or downloads. Then, make sure you’re clear about where you want them to go next. If you are using a marketing automation platform, these types of emails can be auto-generated to keep the momentum.

Industry Info Emails

Broaden your subscribers’ horizons with emails about industry news that is relevant to them. You’ll need to objectively analyze what that content is, by placing yourself in your subscribers’ position as a consumer. It’s easy for you to think that certain industry news is important because you’re in the industry. Look at this information from a neutral position, and once you decide what to convey, follow your newsletter format of concise content and short paragraphs.

Happy Customer Emails

Let your subscribers get to experience a community of like-minded people by sharing testimonials from others. Sometimes the most powerful marketing tool is reading how someone similar to you benefited from a product or service you’re thinking about using. Link them to your Facebook and Twitter pages to see how others respond to your products, services and company in general. Emails that include social sharing buttons have a 158% higher click-through rate.

“Psst…You Left Something” Emails

How many times have you filled an online shopping cart and then left it unattended because you were distracted or weren’t sure if you wanted to actually make the purchase? Industry research estimates that more than three-quarters of shopping carts are abandoned. Through marketing automation platforms, emails can be sent automatically to remind people what was left in their carts, and inform them that quantities are limited so they need to act quickly if they want to complete the transaction.

Feedback Emails

What do people like as much or more than knowing the latest gossip? Sharing their opinions. Send subscribers a short, easy-to-complete survey to collect their opinions about their experiences with your products and customer service. Consider presenting a reward as a persuasion tool at the end of the survey to help with participation. Your customers’ valuable feedback can ultimately be used to help your company improve.

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