Tag Archives: Find

How to find the balance between telling it like it is and displaying good people skills

June 01, 2024 How to find the balance between telling it like it is and displaying good people skills More often than not, telling it like it is is not indicative of intelligence. BY Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic If you’re like most people—someone who pays attention to the feelings of others, and tries to act with empathy in … Continue reading How to find the balance between telling it like it is and displaying good people skills

Junior tech workers can’t find jobs. Here’s why one coding boot camp hit the brakes

 May 29, 2024 Junior tech workers can’t find jobs. Here’s why one coding boot camp hit the brakes Launch Academy cofounder and CEO Dan Pickett talks about his decision to pause the coding boot camp, and what it means for the tech industry. BY Joe Berkowitz Back in 2012, “learn to code” was an optimistic mantra. … Continue reading Junior tech workers can’t find jobs. Here’s why one coding boot camp hit the brakes

It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist

May 26, 2024 It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist Meg Jay wrote the book on treatments for twentysomethings. She explains how young adult brains are more likely to think catastrophically—and feel negatively—than those of older adults, and they have less … Continue reading It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist

Google’s accessibility app Lookout can use your phone’s camera to find and recognize objects

Google’s accessibility app Lookout can use your phone’s camera to find and recognize objects It’s also making wheelchair information on Google Maps available on desktop. mariella moon   Thu, May 16, 2024 Google Google has updated some of its accessibility apps to add capabilities that will make them easier to use for people who need … Continue reading Google’s accessibility app Lookout can use your phone’s camera to find and recognize objects

Stanford, Meta Find Chatbots Are Ready For People – But Are People Ready For GAI?

Stanford, Meta Find Chatbots Are Ready For People – But Are We Ready For GAI? by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, April 4, 2024 A study by the Deliberative Democracy Lab (DDL) at Stanford University and Meta suggests that the more people talk about generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and chatbots, the more receptive they are, … Continue reading Stanford, Meta Find Chatbots Are Ready For People – But Are People Ready For GAI?

A new generation of social media apps is helping people find ‘their people’

March 21, 2024 A new generation of social media apps is helping people find ‘their people’ As larger social networks fracture, upstart platforms like Letterboxd, the Nudge, Spill, and Lex are pulling in users. BY Veronica Irwin The desire to feel supported, included, and in community with others, online or IRL, is universal. But many huge … Continue reading A new generation of social media apps is helping people find ‘their people’

How to find and nurture top-notch B2B writers for high-converting content

A strategic approach to building a team of savvy B2B writers with the ability to craft compelling content that resonates with your audience. Margaret Lee on March 19, 2024 Last year, my content and SEO teammates drastically changed their approach to content writing. We realized our blog drove visitors but not conversions. The issue? We … Continue reading How to find and nurture top-notch B2B writers for high-converting content

Strategic vs. tactical decisions: How to find the right balance

Are you spending too much time on tactical decisions? Learn the importance of a strategic focus to boost your team’s effectiveness. Ruben Ugarte on November 7, 2023 I am fascinated by the interplay between strategic and tactical decisions. Neither is better than the other, and you couldn’t just adopt one type exclusively. My experience with … Continue reading Strategic vs. tactical decisions: How to find the right balance