Tag Archives: Contact

Constant Contact launches automated tools for brand consistency and campaign creation

New tools for automated branding and campaign building aimed mainly at SMBs and non-profits. Kim Davis on May 8, 2024   Constant Contact, the SMB- and non-profit-focused digital and email marketing platform, has broadened its offering by introducing BrandKit and Campaign Builder, automated tools for brand consistency and campaign creation. Both solutions are powered by … Continue reading Constant Contact launches automated tools for brand consistency and campaign creation

NVIDIA Broadcast will maintain eye contact even if you’re looking away from the camera

Apple’s new iOS 13 feature corrects your gaze during video calls Rachel England @rachel_england A video call is a great way to connect with friends and family when you can’t physically be together. But even if you’re staring directly at your loved one’s face, there’s still something a little off about the whole process. The … Continue reading NVIDIA Broadcast will maintain eye contact even if you’re looking away from the camera

Data-Driven Contact Centers for Proactive, Predictive, and Preventive Support

Data-Driven Contact Centers for Proactive, Predictive, and Preventive Support Puneet Mehta / 14 Jul 2022   Nearly half (48%) of people would rather go to the dentist than call customer service. Yikes. But, should this really be that surprising? Here are data-driven contact centers for proactive, predictive, and preventive support in your customer service. It’s … Continue reading Data-Driven Contact Centers for Proactive, Predictive, and Preventive Support

Boost Your Flexible Workforce in These 5 Steps: Preparing Your Contact Center for the Gig Economy

Laura Krajewski January 10, 2022 For nearly two years, companies have had to meet the flexible needs of their employees. Remote work is here to stay for many industries, but even more so, the future is a flexible workforce. In order to retain top talent, employers must be ahead of the curve to meet new … Continue reading Boost Your Flexible Workforce in These 5 Steps: Preparing Your Contact Center for the Gig Economy

How to Run a Highly Effective Contact Center (Start Today)

Laura Krajewski October 10, 2021 If your contact center is filled with tired, stressed, irritable employees, your customers will notice. According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, engaged employees are more likely to improve customer relationships, increasing sales by 20%. This statistic supports the popular truth: happy employees make for happy customers. So, … Continue reading How to Run a Highly Effective Contact Center (Start Today)

4 Employee Training Templates for a Powerful Contact Center

Laura Krajewski October 4, 2021 As a manager, your executive team is consistently pushing you to keep employees engaged, reduce turnover, increase profitability and efficiency. I understand. Your task list is long and overwhelming. Where do you start? We’ve compiled four employee training templates to give you practical strategies to increase learning and training in … Continue reading 4 Employee Training Templates for a Powerful Contact Center

How contact tracking tech can reconnect brands with former customers

Technology can help companies find B2B contacts — including marketers — that have changed jobs. Jacqueline Dooley on September 13, 2021 You may have great clients, loyal to your product or service, but how do you stay in touch with them when they switch jobs? That was the dilemma faced by Ellie von Reyn, Conductor’s … Continue reading How contact tracking tech can reconnect brands with former customers