How to Create Stellar Video Content for Marketing in 2015

Video Content MarketingIn 2017 video will account for 69% of all consumer Internet traffic (Cisco). Content marketing via video is growing rapidly and having a video content marketing strategy is necessary.

According to DigitalSherpa, videos help to increase people’s understanding of your product or service by up to 74%. Video is not only growing – it’s effective. Below is a list of everything your marketing team needs to create stellar video content in 2015 – helping you gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

The Right Camera and Lens

Your iPhone camera won’t cut it. Neither will that outdated digital camera. Research and purchase a high-quality camera for your marketing team and think of it as an investment. It may cost several thousand dollars up front, but the return on investment will be quick. Once you have the camera (and additional equipment listed below) your team can produce video at little to no additional cost. Things to consider when researching and purchasing a camera:

  • Find a camera that can record video without timing out after 30 minutes (if you want to shoot something longer than 30 minutes, you don’t want it to time out)
  • The lens is arguably more important than the camera – it can make or break the quality of your video – so don’t be afraid to go big on the lens decision
  • For the lens – consider focal length, maximum aperture and of course lens mount (this determines whether the lens will fit on your camera or not)

Professional Lighting

That fluorescent lighting in your office will not do the job, as overhead lights can create bad shadows on the face. Three solid, professional grade lights should do it. Set them up strategically throughout your studio (see more about the studio below) to get the lighting just right. Avoid glares and excessive shadows.

  • Block out light from outside sources as much as possible
  • Reflect light off of the ceiling, additional walls, etc. to get the lighting and shadows just right

High Quality Audio Recording

If you buy a really nice camera for recording video, you may also be able to use that for recording the audio. This eliminates the step of purchasing several additional pieces of audio equipment and also eliminates the need to edit sound and images together.

If you aren’t satisfied with the audio quality of your camera, consider a portable digital recorder. You’ll also need connectors, mics, and software to edit your video and audio together (i.e. Final Cut Pro).

  • Empty room? Not good. Sound will bounce around and create a low-quality finished product
  • Make sure the presenter(s) is close enough to the microphone (or wearing the mic on their person)
  • Test audio levels (whether using camera audio or portable recorder) prior to shooting your video

A Studio

Makeshift or not, it’s important to have a room that can function as a studio for shooting professional looking videos. It’s best if this room becomes a dedicated studio in your office to simplify the production process. Having a dedicated room also helps encourage your team to take video often – the studio is there waiting, why not go make a video?

  • Backdrop should be a solid color. Avoid using an off-white wall; you can use paper or purchase a custom backdrop
  • Install sound dampening panels on the walls or bring in additional things to prevent that empty-room sound
  • Turn off vents in your studio to reduce fan noise
  • Purchase a tripod that has multiple ways to adjust height and angle, and keep it in your studio

Good Talent

Good talent goes without saying – you need people on your team who are willing, able, and excited to get in front of the camera and present. Start by using free teleprompter software off of the Internet to get scripts read aloud and shot on camera. Then graduate to memorized/improvised scripting to improve video flow and make it more engaging.

Budget and Buy-In

None of this is possible without budget and buy-in from directors and executives. Below are a few stats about video content marketing that may help you get the approval needed:

  • 64% of marketers expect video to dominate their marketing strategies in the near future (Nielsen)
  • 90% of users say that seeing a product video is helpful in the decision-making process (DigitalSherpa)
  • Using the word “video” in email subject lines boosts email open rates and CTR, while reducing unsubscribes (Brainshark)
  • Video appears in about 70% of the top Google listings (Marketingweek)
  • People who view product videos are 85% more likely to make a purchase (Comscore)
  • 1 million smartphone users watched video on their devices at least monthly in 2013, and this is projected to rise to 86.8 million in 2014 (Brainshark)

Now how do you know if your video content is actually generating leads? One way to tell is by including a call tracking number in each video and encouraging users to call your business to learn more. 66% of sales managers rate phone leads as excellent (BIA/Kelsey) – better than any other lead type – so encouraging your audience to call you is smart.

What other tips do you have for producing creative video content marketing? Please leave tips in the comments section below!

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