How Can a Blog Copywriter Help My Business?

If you’re wondering “How can a blog copywriter help my business?” you’re not alone. Maybe you’ve always thought of yourself as a strong writer. Maybe you don’t see the value in telling your own story, or it all seems like too much work. Whatever the case may be, if you’re in charge of a business’s growth, a blog is an indispensable tool. A blog copywriter can help you to achieve that overarching success.

Here’s how.

5 Ways a Blog Copywriter Can Help Your Business

Tell a Richer Story – Your audience is programmed to love stories. They want to hear about how you overcame obstacles and help customers to do the same. They want to hear about not taking no for an answer, and how to solve their problem.

Your audience responds to emotion. This is what they base their purchasing decisions on. Great stories make them like you. They build trust. A blog copywriter has experience in helping your business reach this level and attract more business through your blog and other marketing channels.

Develop a Stronger Brand – Your brand is built in every interaction with the customer. It’s how you speak with them over the phone. It’s the message that’s in sales or marketing materials. It’s in the design, and it’s ever-prevalent in your copywriting. If your blog is nothing but a laundry list of thinly-veiled sales pitches, your audience will take note, and your brand will suffer.

There is an alternative. If your blog tells stories, provides value, and portrays your company as a likable force for good, it can strengthen your brand. Telling your company’s story in a compelling manner is also good for your brand.

If you are focused on building trust with readers, and genuinely caring about their well-being, your brand can thrive – even during uncertain times. If your blog carries a friendly, and approachable voice, no matter how complex the subject matter is, you guessed it – this will be good for your brand. A blog copywriter can help you with all these things to strengthen your brand.

Become More Findable – No matter what business you’re in, when you compete with hundreds or thousands of competitors online, your situation becomes highly competitive. It becomes difficult, if not nearly impossible, to stand out from the competition. The great thing about a blog is that each post can potentially be indexed within the search engines. All of a sudden instead of a handful of core pages, you have the ability to produce hundreds or thousands over time.

When you write about topics that are highly valuable to your customers, your visibility increases. Step one is to write quality posts. Step two is to publish and promote them. Like everything else, it’s slightly more nuanced than that, but a blog copywriter can help you achieve the results you’re looking for. When you’re wondering “How can a blog copywriter help me?” the results from this increased visibility can provide tremendous value for a long time to come.

Save Money – A blog copywriter can help you to save money on payroll and marketing expenses. When you hire a freelance professional copywriter, you don’t have to pay an employee for the work. You don’t have to keep them busy when there’s not much to do. You and your team can focus on the bigger-picture tasks, while the blog copywriter can focus on improving your marketing message on the blog.

You’re Free to Concentrate on Your Business – This is a tremendous benefit, and worth expanding on a bit further. Hiring a blog copywriter not only helps you save money, but it helps you save time. You’re now free to spend additional hours working on problems that are more central to your business operations. This is likely more in line with your passion and will be time well spent for you.

A Blog Copywriter Can Help Your Business

Now is a great time to expand your business. If you’ve been wondering “How can a blog copywriter help my business?” now is the time to act. A blog copywriter will help improve your marketing in a variety of ways.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Matt Brennan

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