Category Archives: Marketing Transformation

What does ‘Real-Time Marketing’ really mean? by Salesforce

Real-time does not have to mean right now. It’s delivering the information when the end user needs it. Salesforce on April 16, 2024   If you’re like most marketers, you’ve been hearing the term “real-time” a lot lately. And you’ve probably been wondering, what is real-time marketing? Are we delivering content in seconds? Milliseconds? Even … Continue reading What does ‘Real-Time Marketing’ really mean? by Salesforce

Marketing’s inner game: Unlocking the power of natural productivity cycles

Practical strategies to navigate your day with energy, focus and balance by aligning with your natural ultradian rhythms. Hana Jacover on April 3, 2024 Productivity is often viewed solely through the lens of hustle and output. However, natural biological cycles within us influence our energy levels, mood and cognitive abilities throughout the day. This article … Continue reading Marketing’s inner game: Unlocking the power of natural productivity cycles

The end of marketing or a new beginning? The truth about AI

Artificial intelligence is shifting marketing approaches. Here’s what you need to know to stay up-to-date and prepare for what’s ahead. Tim Parkin on April 6, 2023 Love it or hate it, the artificial intelligence revolution is here. People can’t stop talking about ChatGPT, OpenAI and how AI will fundamentally change the world. Marketers everywhere are … Continue reading The end of marketing or a new beginning? The truth about AI

Fans, SuperUsers, Ambassadors: Community as Marketing

Fans, SuperUsers, Ambassadors: Community as Marketing December 23, 2022 A year ago, Visible Wireless built its own social sandbox apart from the usual platforms. It was a forum for prospects to discuss what they liked. As a class of “SuperUsers” emerged, Visible started seeing a strategy for a self-run community that could have solid KPIs, … Continue reading Fans, SuperUsers, Ambassadors: Community as Marketing

Why prioritizing business continuity in martech is a must

Preparing for the hypothetical isn’t a waste of resources. It’s time to recommit to business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Steve Petersen on December 9, 2022 In the second half of 2019, I made a presentation to Western Governors University’s marketing department. There I discussed a project that involved working with an IT colleague. We … Continue reading Why prioritizing business continuity in martech is a must

Marketing industry diversity improving, but still lags for senior positions

The benefits of diversity and inclusion can be seen in stock and revenue performance, hiring and retention and customer acquisition and loyalty. Constantine von Hoffman on December 7, 2022 While marketing organizations’ ethnic diversity continues to improve overall, it shrinks as you go up the org chart, according to a new survey by the ANA.  … Continue reading Marketing industry diversity improving, but still lags for senior positions

Why the media industry embraces martech transformation to win over consumers

Unravel complexity to unleash and deliver personalized experiences. Virtusa on October 6, 2022   Think about this for a moment: almost 40% of the world’s population, over 2.96 billion people, consider themselves gamers. Since the dawn of Atari in the 1970s, the industry has boomed—it’s now larger than the movie and music industries combined—and is … Continue reading Why the media industry embraces martech transformation to win over consumers

Optimizing the online experience for disabilities improves it for all customers

43% of people with disabilities abandoned an online purchase because of accessibility issues. Constantine von Hoffman on September 7, 2022 What if I told you there’s a huge, under-served consumer group that you can market to in such a way that it will improve all your marketing? Bet you’d be pretty interested. Good news: There … Continue reading Optimizing the online experience for disabilities improves it for all customers