When to Hire a Blog Copywriter

— January 12, 2018

When to Hire a Blog Copywriter

kaboompics / Pixabay

It may be time to hire a blog copywriter to grow your business. If you’ve been on the fence lately, below are some scenarios for when it might just be the right time.

There are some amazing benefits to blogging for your business. A blog positions you as the industry expert. It educates potential clients. It also gives you many ways to be found online. If you haven’t started blogging yet, now is the time.

Creating thoughtful, powerful content is a great way to connect with your audience and grow the relevance of your platform.

Below are some situations where it might make sense to hire a blog copywriter

When you are looking to save time – While blogging offers some tremendous benefits to your business, it is also time consuming. A well-written, in-depth post often takes at least a few hours to write. You have a business to run. You have customer, and client commitments. You can hire a blog copywriter to reaffirm your commitment to other important business priorities. A good blog copywriter will save you time.

When writing is not your preferred method for communication – You don’t have to be the perfect academic to write blogs, and most of the time, you shouldn’t. A conversational tone is what is read these days. But some people dread writing to the point it just doesn’t get done. Or the quality of your particular piece may suffer for your lack of passion or commitment. It’s important to utilize the appropriate resources when something doesn’t fall within our wheelhouse. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t start a freelance writing business because of my passion for accounting. Your variation may include writing. That’s OK.

When you are looking for outside perspective – Sometimes it’s hard to continuously write about a topic when you are so close to it. Maybe it’s difficult for you to write in a language that your potential customers will resonate with. Maybe the topics and writing have felt stale for a certain amount of time. You may need a set of fresh eyes, or some outside perspective. That’s something a blog copywriter can easily provide.

When you are committed to the strategy for the long haul – There are times when you simply want more leads, right away. There are times when it’s more important to see profit potential today, than anything else. That’s not a situation for blogging. The best time to hire a blog copywriter, is when you are looking to create a sustainable system over the long-haul that results in more leads. It may take some time to kick in, and work the way you want it to. But when it’s in full-swing, having a blog can really help.

When you want to see more leads – Businesses that blog see 67 percent more leads than those that don’t. Blogging is a great method for when you’re on board with creating a powerful, sustainable growth system for your business.

Are you ready to grow your business?

Your blog is a prominent place to make a personal connection with your audience. That often makes it feel tough to pass over the controls. But the truth is that a good blog copywriter understands what it takes to write copy that resonates with your audience. A blog copywriter has probably done this for other businesses before. You can refocus some of your energy in other places, by hiring a blog copywriter today.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Matt Brennan

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