Tag Archives: Wednesday

Why your agency’s employees don’t think like an owner [Part 1 of 3]

by Karl Sakas | Jul 11, 2018   Frustrated—or dumbfounded—by some of your employees’ choices? Assuming they’re competent at their jobs, the problem might stem from a fundamental mismatch—what I call the Owner vs. Employee mindset gap. What do I mean? You and they approach things differently, using different Values, Goals, and Resources. Employees often choose … Continue reading Why your agency’s employees don’t think like an owner [Part 1 of 3]

SYBAW: Why You Should Publish on Tuesday and Promote Wednesday through Friday

by Chris Boyles December 3, 2015December 3, 2015 SYBAW means Smart, Young and Bored At Work. It also means a huge opportunity for content marketers. I first heard about SYBAWs when chatting with a former Fast Company editor about the best times to publish content. In explaining why Tuesday and Wednesday were the sweet spot … Continue reading SYBAW: Why You Should Publish on Tuesday and Promote Wednesday through Friday