Category Archives: Stress Management

It’s not just you: Wednesday might be the most stressful day at work

April 23, 2024 It’s not just you: Wednesday might be the most stressful day at work “It’s like you’re at the halfway mark, staring down deadlines but the weekend’s still too far off to feel any relief.” BY Stephanie Vozza Wednesday, affectionately known as “Hump Day,” seems like a positive milestone during the week. You’re halfway … Continue reading It’s not just you: Wednesday might be the most stressful day at work

3 easy ways to rewire your default ‘stress setting’

  By Stephanie Vozza January 02, 2023 If you’re easily stressed out, you can blame your brain. Thanks to ancient programming, it thinks the year is 100,000 BC and you’re in mortal danger, says Joe Robinson, author of Work Smarter, Live Better: The Science-Based Work-Life Balance and Stress Management Toolkit. “The stress response is meant … Continue reading 3 easy ways to rewire your default ‘stress setting’

Stressed out and miserable at work? You have lots of company

By Rebecca Barker     June 14, 2022 Employees have never been more stressed, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report, which was conducted in 2021 and released today. Among workers surveyed, 60% report feeling “emotionally detached” while at work, and 19% consistently feel “miserable.” These numbers are higher than those reported … Continue reading Stressed out and miserable at work? You have lots of company

Navigating Stress as a Business Owner During the Holidays

Nicole Kosmayer December 8, 2021 The holiday season can be very stressful. This year is not exempt. As business owners, we need to worry about the happiness of our families, friends, customers, employees, and potential new leads – all while managing inventory, products, sales, services and more! Phew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Running … Continue reading Navigating Stress as a Business Owner During the Holidays