Tag Archives: options

You need to glue your martech stack together. Here are some of your options.

To get the most out of your data, you need to integrate the various platforms in your stack. That’s not often easy to do. Mike Maynard on May 23, 2024     Most marketers today understand that marketing is a science driven by data. Yes, creativity and innovation matter, but relying on a spark of … Continue reading You need to glue your martech stack together. Here are some of your options.

Twitter confirms upcoming ad-supported and ad-free premium options

Twitter confirms upcoming ad-supported and ad-free premium options Radek Zielinski / Oct 21, 2023   Twitter is poised to roll out multiple new subscription tiers in the coming weeks, according to owner Elon Musk. The move aims to boost revenue amid reports of declining ad sales since Musk’s takeover. Two Premium Options In an Oct. … Continue reading Twitter confirms upcoming ad-supported and ad-free premium options

New Shoppable Video Ads Expand Local Retailer Buying Options

New Shoppable Video Ads Expand Local Retailer Buying Options by Karlene Lukovitz  @KLmarketdaily, August 18, 2023 Through a new partnership, video ad-tech company VDX.tv is offering shoppable video ad units that include product specs, prices updated in real time and availability info across multiple, region-specific retailers.  VDX.tv has integrated capabilities from digital commerce tech company … Continue reading New Shoppable Video Ads Expand Local Retailer Buying Options

How the ‘hero veteran’ trope limits job options and damages post-military careers

  By Sam Becker July 20, 2023 Not all military veterans see action on a battlefield, but many of them may end up fighting for fair pay or better career opportunities once their time in the service is over.  That’s the conclusion of a new paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: … Continue reading How the ‘hero veteran’ trope limits job options and damages post-military careers

Beyond Cookies And Identifiers, Advertisers Have Limited Awareness Of Options

Beyond Cookies And Identifiers, Advertisers Have Limited Awareness Of Options by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, May 12, 2023 Some 60% of participants to a recent survey agreed that user tracking will soon become obsolete, but more than 40% are not familiar with targeting technologies other than advertising identifiers. Ogury, a company focused on personified … Continue reading Beyond Cookies And Identifiers, Advertisers Have Limited Awareness Of Options

InMobi Adds Asia-Pacific Region To Its Mobile Ad Inventory Options

InMobi Adds Asia-Pacific Region To Its Mobile Ad Inventory Options by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, April 6, 2022 InMobi, a content, monetization and marketing technologies company, now provides advertisers with direct access to Anzu’s mobile programmatic inventory worldwide after announcing an Asia-Pacific deal with the company on Wednesday. Anzu’s in-game advertising solution allows programmatic advertisers to … Continue reading InMobi Adds Asia-Pacific Region To Its Mobile Ad Inventory Options

Ad-supported video-on-demand, cookieless identity resolution, give CTV advertisers more options

AVOD accounts for over half of U.S. video viewers and global market is projected to climb to $47 billion by the end of 2023. Chris Wood on April 1, 2022 As the connected-TV (CTV) space matures, advertisers are finding more campaign opportunities in ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD). This week, Yahoo expanded its partnership with Glewed TV, … Continue reading Ad-supported video-on-demand, cookieless identity resolution, give CTV advertisers more options

Google Details New Gaming Ad Options, Attribution Tools For Google Ads, AdMob

Google Details New Gaming Ad Options, Attribution Tools by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, March 15, 2022 Google detailed several new ad options for Google Ads and AdMob during the Google for Games Developer Summit 2022 on Tuesday. The latest features aim to help developers and brands reach more players and increase app revenue. Players spent more … Continue reading Google Details New Gaming Ad Options, Attribution Tools For Google Ads, AdMob

Retirement Options Show How to Maximize Your Annuity

Peter Daisyme November 18, 2021 Before buying an annuity, understand the fees retirement annuities involve. In addition, new products can result in higher prices and greater complexity. Retirement Options Show How to Maximize an Annuity Retirement annuities are being included in funds with a target price date by a small but growing amount of companies. … Continue reading Retirement Options Show How to Maximize Your Annuity