Tag Archives: little

Microfeminism: On TikTok, women share the little ways they fight sexism in the workplace

May 18, 2024 Microfeminism: On TikTok, women share the little ways they fight sexism in the workplace On social media, hundreds of videos with millions of views hope to chip away at the ingrained gender norms that hurt women in their careers, by encouraging small daily acts of protest. BY Sarah Bregel In 2024, women are … Continue reading Microfeminism: On TikTok, women share the little ways they fight sexism in the workplace

Google Study Finds 75% Of Consumers Are ‘A Little Upset’ When Having Buyers’ Remorse

Google Study Finds 75% Of Consumers Are ‘A Little Upset’ When Having Buyers’ Remorse by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, June 28, 2023 Buyer’s remorse is fairly common among shoppers, especially when they are confronted with deals too good to pass up. While there are many different reasons people feel buyer’s remorse, 48% cited guilt for buying … Continue reading Google Study Finds 75% Of Consumers Are ‘A Little Upset’ When Having Buyers’ Remorse

Big Tech’s layoff binge stinks. Let’s hope it leads to a little discipline

  By Harry McCracken January 25, 2023 This story is from Fast Company’s new Plugged In newsletter, a weekly roundup of tech insights, news, and trends from global technology editor Harry McCracken, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning. Sign up for it—and all of our newsletters—here. “I guess the idea is that eventually you … Continue reading Big Tech’s layoff binge stinks. Let’s hope it leads to a little discipline

Little of Microsoft’s ‘principles for employee organizing’ is actually pro-union

Little of Microsoft’s ‘principles for employee organizing’ is actually pro-union The company doesn’t seem short on alternatives to collective action, however. B. Menegus @bryanmenegus June 2nd, 2022 POOL New / reuters Thursday afternoon, Microsoft’s president and vice chair Brad Smith penned a blog post outlining four “principles” the company would be adopting in response to … Continue reading Little of Microsoft’s ‘principles for employee organizing’ is actually pro-union

Meta Developing ‘Basic Ads’ With Little Or No Data Targeting

Meta Developing ‘Basic Ads’ With Little Or No Data Targeting by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, June 7, 2022 Facebook is developing a product that will not rely on anonymized personal information from users and will be more in line with privacy guidelines set by Europe and U.S. states that have privacy regulations. “I think it will … Continue reading Meta Developing ‘Basic Ads’ With Little Or No Data Targeting

3 Ideas to Making Social Media Content Approval Processes a Little Less Painful

Arik Hanson May 28, 2021 Ask any social media marketer who works for a larger organization the most painful part of their jobs and almost all of them will respond with the same answer: The content approval process. Most companies turn what should be a relatively easy, simple process into one of the most painful, … Continue reading 3 Ideas to Making Social Media Content Approval Processes a Little Less Painful

Too Much/Too Little: How Well Do You Influence Your Executive Team?

Achim Nowak April 14, 2021 I don’t want to be one of those people who talk too much. Don’t want to repeat what someone else has already said. Don’t want to upstage more senior members of the Executive Team. Don’t want to offer opinions about issues outside of my portfolio. I have heard it all. … Continue reading Too Much/Too Little: How Well Do You Influence Your Executive Team?

3 Little Known Reasons Why You’re Failing at SEO (+How to Win)

Ashley Kimler December 9, 2020 After you’ve invested your time and resources planning and implementing an SEO strategy, it’s easy to get frustrated when you’re don’t see an increase in organic traffic, sales or leads. Businesses expect immediate results and stop their SEO too early, inevitably stifle campaigns with their own impatience, and don’t rectify … Continue reading 3 Little Known Reasons Why You’re Failing at SEO (+How to Win)