Tag Archives: Kinds

These are the 4 kinds of interviewers. Which one are you?

  By Anna Papalia January 25, 2024 Everyone has a different approach to job interviews, and unfortunately, people don’t always represent themselves well. Some people downplay their strengths, some people lie, and others turn on the charm. The differences have nothing to do with their work history, their race, or their lack of morals—they have … Continue reading These are the 4 kinds of interviewers. Which one are you?

How to improve efficiency by combining two kinds of collaboration

Effective work management comes from the right mix of active and passive collaboration methods. Chris Wood on December 20, 2022 In the new work-from-home reality, organizations have the opportunity to recreate the best work habits from the offline world and implement them digitally. The trick is to identify two main kinds of collaboration — passive … Continue reading How to improve efficiency by combining two kinds of collaboration

5 Top Kinds of Social Media Videos You Can Create in 30 Minutes to Increase Your Engagement – And 3 Ways to Market Them

Jock Breitwieser October 9, 2020 Are you planning to use videos in your social media marketing campaign? Many companies use short videos to promote their new products and engage their market due to their effectiveness. If you want to use this strategy, you should determine what works best for your brand. The demand for video … Continue reading 5 Top Kinds of Social Media Videos You Can Create in 30 Minutes to Increase Your Engagement – And 3 Ways to Market Them

A Complete Guide to Understanding Different Kinds of Engagement Models [Infographic]

Nasrullah Patel — January 8, 2019 Follow @Peerbits — January 8, 2019 Choosing a right engagement model is a very critical decision for the whole mobile app development process as it directly impacts its execution. Choosing an engagement model is like setting up the foundation on which the whole project stands. The type of engagement … Continue reading A Complete Guide to Understanding Different Kinds of Engagement Models [Infographic]

Two kinds of video ads help break through the dilemma of interruptive marketing

At an IAB breakfast last week, two firms presented documented examples of how marketers can avoid ad skipping and competition from second screens. Barry Levine on May 9, 2018   Two ad tech firms presented possible answers last week to advertising’s Dirty Little Secret. That Secret, of course, is that few people actually watch content-interrupting … Continue reading Two kinds of video ads help break through the dilemma of interruptive marketing

Do You Need Different Kinds of Video for Sales Enablement?

Bruce McKenzie — May 10, 2017 — May 10, 2017 Vidyard recently published an infographic that cleverly maps 12 types of video productions (explainers, product info, chalk talks, personalized, etc.) to the customer life cycle and suggests appropriate levels of production values for each genre. It’s worth a look. But this “generic” approach to video … Continue reading Do You Need Different Kinds of Video for Sales Enablement?