Tag Archives: Healthier

How even the smallest acts of kindness make us happier and healthier

  April 29, 2024 How even the smallest acts of kindness make us happier and healthier Kindness is also contagious—and science backs that up. This entrepreneur rediscovered that phenomenon when her community pulled together after a wintry blast knocked out power. BY Marjorie Radlo-Zandi When a windy arctic blast raged through the Northeast U.S. this past … Continue reading How even the smallest acts of kindness make us happier and healthier

5 ways digital marketers can make healthier impressions

Digital marketers spend billions on advertising, but many of those ads actually harm brands by inflicting a negative experience on the consumer. Columnist Lewis Gersh offers a formula for healthier impressions. Lewis Gersh on August 19, 2016 Imagine this, digital marketers: Instead of distributing virtual ads anonymously in cyberspace, you have to pass out flyers … Continue reading 5 ways digital marketers can make healthier impressions

9 Simple Tricks to Help You Have Healthier Workdays in 2016 [Infographic]

by Emil Shour December 31, 2015 Follow @https://twitter.com/emilshourDecember 31, 2015 When it comes to workplace health, we’ve been told a slew of things that we should be doing. We’ve been told sitting is the new smoking, we need to wash our hands constantly, drink more water, eat healthy foods and stay away from the junk food in … Continue reading 9 Simple Tricks to Help You Have Healthier Workdays in 2016 [Infographic]