Tag Archives: Unknown

7 Unknown Advantages of Investing in Influencer Marketing

Shane Barker — January 30, 2019 Follow @shane_barker — January 30, 2019 The rules and trends of marketing are in a state of constant change. Traditional forms of advertising such as radio ads, television commercials, banners, etc. are no longer the only ways to reach your target audience. The rising popularity of social media platforms … Continue reading 7 Unknown Advantages of Investing in Influencer Marketing

Into the Great Unknown: Understanding and Leveraging Dark Social Traffic

Yaniv NavotJune 30, 2015 The term “Dark Social” was originally coined back in 2012 by Alexis C. Madrigal of The Atlantic, to describe “untrackable” social content sharing through means like email, instant messages and even mobile applications. Dark Social traffic represents the sharing activity via private digital communication channels exclusive of referral headers and as a … Continue reading Into the Great Unknown: Understanding and Leveraging Dark Social Traffic