Marketing luxury goods like handbags and watches requires a means of sourcing those goods — and telling if they’re real or fake. Kim Davis on June 21, 2024 As anyone who has walked the length of New York’s Canal Street will know, fake “luxury” goods abound. Vendors have more or less convincing versions of … Continue reading Are you selling me a real Prada bag or a fake?
Tag Archives: Selling
Why Beautycounter founder Gregg Renfrew is back as CEO after selling her company for $1B
By Elizabeth Segran January 17, 2024 For 10 years, Gregg Renfrew spent her days building Beautycounter, a clean beauty startup. Her mission was larger than creating nontoxic lipsticks and face creams. She had a broader goal of making the entire skincare industry safer for consumers. But in April 2021, she decided to sell her … Continue reading Why Beautycounter founder Gregg Renfrew is back as CEO after selling her company for $1B
Apple is selling its contested Watch models again after import ban pause
Apple is selling its contested Watch models again after import ban pause You can scoop up a Series 9 or Ultra 2 directly from the company’s website. Lawrence Bonk Thu, Dec 28, 2023 Photo by Cherlynn Low / Engadget The Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 wearables are back on sale via the … Continue reading Apple is selling its contested Watch models again after import ban pause
How Technologists Are Selling AI To Marketers
How Technologists Are Selling AI To Marketers by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, October 27, 2023 Artificial intelligence grew up this year, advancing into generative and other types. It is changing search advertising and marketing, television and other media, as well as how creative is produced and automated. It has become the dominant theme across … Continue reading How Technologists Are Selling AI To Marketers
Evolution of Direct Selling from E-commerce to Social Commerce
Evolution of Direct Selling from E-commerce to Social Commerce Sajin Rajan / Sep 20, 2023 Well, it’s been a long time since we’ve been exposed to the influence of technology on our daily routines. Does the idea of conquering the unimaginable with this potent and resounding force of transformation strike you as an intriguing possibility? … Continue reading Evolution of Direct Selling from E-commerce to Social Commerce
How to map your selling process to the way your B2B customers buy: A case study
Learn how an industrial manufacturing company transformed their marketing strategy to meet evolving B2B buying behavior. Ruth Stevens on August 22, 2023 B2B buying has changed dramatically in the last decade, and marketers need to change with it. Let’s look at a company that figured out how to change their marketing to meet their buyers’ … Continue reading How to map your selling process to the way your B2B customers buy: A case study
Selling On Amazon? NP Digital Shares Tactics To Succeed
Selling On Amazon? NP Digital Shares Tactics To Succeed by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, June 28, 2023 While economic uncertainty could keep marketers guessing as to the quantity and average order value consumers will purchase during Prime Day, David Hutchinson, vice president of marketplaces at NP Digital, details several strategies that marketers can just about … Continue reading Selling On Amazon? NP Digital Shares Tactics To Succeed
Selling Ugly: Branding With a Hint of Irony
Selling Ugly: Branding With a Hint of Irony by Steve Smith , Staff Writer @popeyesm, May 12, 2023 Since the era of fruit carts selling oranges on Main Street, marketers have known that beauty, freshness, uniformity, delectability are what sell the goods. There is a new category of sustainable food and store brands like Misfit Market … Continue reading Selling Ugly: Branding With a Hint of Irony
Why is Apple gambling its brand reputation on selling ads?
By Rob Walker November 04, 2022 Branded is a weekly column devoted to the intersection of marketing, business, design, and culture. Recently, some visitors to Apple’s App Store noticed some strange suggestions when searching for new apps. Some of those looking at apps to help with a gambling addiction were prompted to try gambling apps. Looking … Continue reading Why is Apple gambling its brand reputation on selling ads?
Why B2B buyers now hate traditional B2B selling
Most salespeople say their organizations aren’t ready for online selling. Constantine von Hoffman on August 24, 2022 Nearly all (86%) B2B buyers want to be sold to virtually, according to a new survey. However, most salespeople say their sales organizations aren’t yet able to handle this. Buyers like the on-line experience because they hate traditional … Continue reading Why B2B buyers now hate traditional B2B selling