Tag Archives: Penalty

These startling statistics show how the ‘motherhood penalty’ at work is still way too common

May 12, 2024 These startling statistics show how the ‘motherhood penalty’ at work is still way too common A survey released in advance of Mother’s Day reveals that two-thirds of moms have considered leaving the workforce due to the cost and stress of childcare. BY Shannon Cudd Becoming a parent changes a person. Priorities shift, and … Continue reading These startling statistics show how the ‘motherhood penalty’ at work is still way too common

Google’s Mobile Interstitial and Pop-up “Penalty” Now Rolling Out

Eric Seal — January 16, 2017 — January 16, 2017 On January 10th, Google began rolling out its mobile interstitial and pop-up change. Originally announced in August 2016, the change will devalue rankings for mobile sites with intrusive interstitials and pop-ups. What is an intrusive interstitial? “Intrusive” interstitials or pop-ups block the main content of … Continue reading Google’s Mobile Interstitial and Pop-up “Penalty” Now Rolling Out

Manual Penalty Recovery: From 10,000 Organic Sessions Per Day to 1,000 And Back

by Nick Eubanks December 10, 2015 Follow @nick_eubanksDecember 10, 2015 This article is a case study on how we did a Google penalty assessment and a penalty recovery for one of our clients that had a steady 10,000 organic sessions per day and went to under 1000 in one day due to a site-wide Manual … Continue reading Manual Penalty Recovery: From 10,000 Organic Sessions Per Day to 1,000 And Back