Tag Archives: Mailable

How the USPS turned images from the James Webb Space Telescope into mailable art

  By Elissaveta M. Brandon February 06, 2024 In 2022, when NASA released some of the first photos the James Webb Space Telescope had captured of the universe, they sold like hotcakes. Pillars of Creation—three striking towers of gas and dust that look like arches and spires rising out of a desert landscape—were slapped on … Continue reading How the USPS turned images from the James Webb Space Telescope into mailable art

Mailable Microsites: How REI ‘Served’ Up Interactivity Using Hamburger Menu

Kevin George — January 29, 2017 Follow @imkevin_monk— January 29, 2017 Any object’s value is based on its utility in day-to-day situations. When the application of an object surpasses its initially defined purpose, it is called value addition. Value addition is always welcome. A minor tweak in the interaction to simplify the method of information … Continue reading Mailable Microsites: How REI ‘Served’ Up Interactivity Using Hamburger Menu

Mailable Microsites– How B&Q clinched it with Carousel in Email

Kevin George — January 17, 2017 Follow @imkevin_monk— January 17, 2017 Mailable microsites are the next big thing for sure as far as email marketing is concerned. From eCommerce businesses to home décor retailers, everyone seems to be catching the gravy train. B&Q, UK’s leading home improvement and garden living retailer, was one of the … Continue reading Mailable Microsites– How B&Q clinched it with Carousel in Email