Tag Archives: Degrees

Who lies on resumes more often? High earners and workers with advanced degrees, it turns out

  By Jennifer Alsever October 05, 2023 Lying is becoming pretty standard throughout the job interview process—and it’s especially prevalent among more educated candidates, higher earners, and even company hiring managers, according to new surveys.  As many as 70% of workers said they have lied on their resumes, with 37% admitting that they lie frequently, … Continue reading Who lies on resumes more often? High earners and workers with advanced degrees, it turns out

Recruiters are passing over college degrees for this essential soft skill

By Tracy Brower   May 25, 2022 A college degree used to be the gold standard for finding a job, but increasing numbers of companies are eliminating or reducing their requirements for a degree as a condition for hiring. According to Glassdoor, graduating from an impressive college name is now less critical for landing a … Continue reading Recruiters are passing over college degrees for this essential soft skill

21 Wildly Successful CEOs With Liberal Arts Degrees

Ben TaylorAugust 4, 2015 We’ve all heard the arguments in favor of liberal arts majors, like history, philosophy or political science. They’ll help you think critically. They’ll open your mind. They’ll train you to be a more thoughtful, well-rounded person. They just won’t make you much money. Or will they? FindTheCompany scoured its database of … Continue reading 21 Wildly Successful CEOs With Liberal Arts Degrees