Tag Archives: Being

It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist

May 26, 2024 It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist Meg Jay wrote the book on treatments for twentysomethings. She explains how young adult brains are more likely to think catastrophically—and feel negatively—than those of older adults, and they have less … Continue reading It’s not you, being twentysomething is tough. Here’s how to find hope when the struggle is real, according to a psychologist

‘These environments pit people against each other’: Playwright Ife Olujobi on being the only Black person at work

April 24, 2024 ‘These environments pit people against each other’: Playwright Ife Olujobi on being the only Black person at work In a new play at New York’s Public Theater, a Nigerian American writer uses surrealist drama to explore how white-dominant workplaces can alienate people of color. BY Shalene Gupta Albert Camus, the French novelist and … Continue reading ‘These environments pit people against each other’: Playwright Ife Olujobi on being the only Black person at work

How leaders can be vulnerable on social media without being TMI oversharers

April 20, 2024 How leaders can be vulnerable on social media without being TMI oversharers Press releases won’t make people want to work with you. Bring your personality into every post and share your struggles and triumphs. Here’s how to do it. BY Kim Rittberg “You have to be more vulnerable.” What does that actually mean? … Continue reading How leaders can be vulnerable on social media without being TMI oversharers

California’s $20 minimum wage is official. Now some fast-food workers say their hours are being cut

 April 17, 2024 California’s $20 minimum wage is official. Now some fast-food workers say their hours are being cut Two workers talk about the fight for a higher minimum wage, and the changes they’ve seen since its implementation on April 1. Laura Reyes was in the middle of her shift as a cook at Burger … Continue reading California’s $20 minimum wage is official. Now some fast-food workers say their hours are being cut

Canva’s growth is being driven by a new workplace dynamic: We’re all designers now

  By Anna-Louise Jackson March 11, 2024 Once a darling of social media marketers, Canva is making creatives of us all. In addition to expanding its geographic footprint—Brazil users now constitute its second-largest market—the Australian design software company is reaching employees in decidedly noncreative roles. Consider this: Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, … Continue reading Canva’s growth is being driven by a new workplace dynamic: We’re all designers now

This is how to stop being afraid to ask questions at work

  By Featured January 22, 2024 Fear often silences our questions at work, leaving us adrift in uncertainty, and often reduces productivity. But what if you could unlock a healthier, vibrant work atmosphere by becoming more proficient with inquiry? Forget the whispers of “incompetent” or “uninformed.” Asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a … Continue reading This is how to stop being afraid to ask questions at work

How to give critique—without being critical

  By Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram January 12, 2024 Critique and criticism may seem deceptively similar, but they diverge significantly in tone, intent, focus, level of detail, and delivery. Critique is a constructive endeavor, offering guidance and opportunities for improvement, while criticism often feels negative and judgmental. Critique centers on the work at hand, … Continue reading How to give critique—without being critical

Employers, this is why you’re being ghosted by job seekers. There are ways to make it stop

  By Michael Grothaus December 07, 2023 Unfortunately, ghosting just doesn’t happen in the dating world. The practice is quite common in the professional world when it comes to job hunting. Talk to any recruiter and you’re likely to hear stories about how they had a promising candidate for a position, but that candidate just … Continue reading Employers, this is why you’re being ghosted by job seekers. There are ways to make it stop

Sam Altman is reinstated as OpenAI CEO five days after being fired

Sam Altman reinstated as OpenAI CEO five days after being fired An initial three-man board with one original member has been appointed to create a permanent board. Steve Dent Reporter Updated Wed, Nov 22, 2023 Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Sam Altman is returning to OpenAI as CEO after his firing five days ago launched the company … Continue reading Sam Altman is reinstated as OpenAI CEO five days after being fired