How Videos Can Boost Your Blog Growth

Are you looking for ways to grow your blog?

Your blog’s success will depend on two main factors: getting more traffic and creating engagement.

Today, a major contender in content marketing is the video format. In fact, it’s unarguable that video content is the most consumed content type in the world today.

This is because people all around the world have access to smartphones where videos are easy to view.

But even though video content is so engaging and prevalent, blogging is still an important way to create trust. People still go to blogs to find reliable information written by authoritative sources. Blogs are considered to be the 5th most trusted source for high-quality information.

What if you combined the engagement factor of videos with your blog content? There’s no question that you’ll see more engagement and also bring new visitors to your website.

Let’s look at practical ways to grow your blog with video content.

Redirect traffic from social media to your blog

Today, short video formats are all the rage on social media. The success of platforms like TikTok and Snapchat have led to the creation of Stories, Reels, and Fleets on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter respectively.

If you want to engage more people, especially the younger generation that forms a significant part of the market, you need to create social media videos. And especially use short video formats.

There are many options to create videos on social media that I won’t mention in this post. It’s worthwhile to do your research for each social network and learn about the features available to you.

When creating video content on social media, keep redirecting traffic to your website. Add calls-to-action where you ask users to visit your website. Add a logo or watermark to your videos that viewers will remember and be more interested in visiting your site. And Make sure that you add links to your site on your bio or about sections.

Once you bring people to your blog, you’ll increase traffic and also build your email list and start communicating with your readers directly.

Create video tutorials to support your ‘how-to’ posts

If you’ve created blog posts that help people do something, then adding a video can make the process easier for your users.

How Videos Can Boost Your Blog Growth

Adding a video tutorial creates a better experience for your users

Add a video that visually shows users how to do the steps mentioned in your post. You’ll need a screencasting tool to record your screen, a mic, and video editing software to help you.

Fortunately, most of these tools are available for free or at a really affordable rate.

If you also have posts around your product or service, then make sure that you embed videos about your product in your posts. Your site visitors can view them and engage with your content more.

Add GIFs

Today’s audience responds better to humor and conversational communication. Trying to sound ‘clever and writing content in a stiff way to convey professionalism can fall flat.

Your audience wants to be spoken to in a friendly way. And you can do this by adopting communication styles that people use in everyday online conversations.

More specifically, try adding GIFS to your blog posts. GIFs are typically animated images that allow you to add video-like content that forms a very small file size. GIFs feature a few seconds of animation and loops over and over again.

You can add GIFs to add humor to your posts.

How Videos Can Boost Your Blog Growth

How GIFs can add humor to make your post interesting

You can also add them to make your graphics more attractive.

Also, the right image or GIF can convey information far more effectively than whole blocks of text since visual content ‘shows’ rather than ‘tells’.

How do you add GIFs? You can simply copy and paste a GIF from online sources. Make sure that you credit the source that you use. You also create your own GIFs with your phone and online tools.

Create Vlogs

Vlogs or Video blogs took off as a way to share personal or everyday scenes about a person’s life.

This type of content is an excellent way to use videos if you are building a personal brand. You can leverage vlogs to drive traffic from your more personal brand accounts to your business. And you can also create vlogs to showcase ‘behind-the-scenes’ aspects of your business.

Sharing how your employees work, how you source your product material, or something else that gives users a peek into your business life will make audiences feel more connected to your brand.

Repurpose your blog posts into videos

One of the problems with blogging is that it’s not easy to scale content. But one answer to this problem is to recycle your existing blog by converting it into videos.

When you convert your blog posts into videos, you’ll engage people who don’t want to read blocks of text. In this way, you can make use of your existing content and get more traffic.


Video content and blog posts are two important content types that create engagement and build trust.

Bringing them together by adding videos to your blog posts or leveraging videos in other ways creates powerful benefits. You’ll not only see increased traffic but also higher engagement – something that truly highlights the impact of your content.

In this post, I’ve shared practical ways that you can merge your blog and video content to create more impact. Work with the tips mentioned in this post to user experience on your website and also grow your blog fast.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Thomas Griffin

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