How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

— September 21, 2017

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know about the storms in Florida and Texas. And, the entire west coast is on fire! Many people have had to move, have lost their homes, or have lost their lives. Every day we’re getting terrible stories about the end of the world.

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

The News is Awful

The News is Awful

And not to downplay the seriousness of the ecological disasters. Not at all. But one thing that’s been bugging me is the humble brags.

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

There are Real Heroes

There are Real Heroes

Now I really like the human interest stories about real heroes. People who drag entire families out in tiny rowboats–now that’s impressive! People who rescue dogs, cats, horses, and babies? They’re the best!

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

Then There Are the Humble Brags!

Then There Are the Humble Brags!

But people who bake cookies for a family and then spend an entire day telling the world with a video? Now that’s a whole different story.

To me, baking cookies is being neighborly or generous. No need to create a video telling how grateful the person receiving the cookies was. In social media, being generous is the best way to start a relationship.

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

“I Gave a Man Kleenex!”

“I Gave a Man Kleenex!”

Are we really so desperate for attention, that everyone has to brag about the tiniest thing we do so we can get credit for it? “I gave a man Kleenex! Now he can blow his nose!” I’m expecting to see a whole video about that. “Before I came along, he had no Kleenex!” “Not only that–I gave him a new box! Come on, can’t we do any better than that?

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

Self-Serving Isn’t Just a Line at the Grocery Store

Self-Serving Isn’t Just a Line at the Grocery Store

When did we all get to be so self-serving? And isn’t it the best form of charity to remain anonymous? And in my first-ever quote from the Bible, below, how about staying anonymous?

“But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know
what thy right hand doeth”

~Matthew 6:3

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

Is it Gamification?

Is it Gamification?

Maybe it has to do with gamification. Maybe we all expect to get points in the game of life now. I really don’t know. But I don’t like the trend. Not one bit. It’s embarrassing.

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

Knock it Off

Knock it Off

So what I’d like to say to the entire world, and especially to all the people making the self-serving videos: Cut. It. Out.

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

You’re No Mother Teresa

You’re No Mother Teresa

You’re not Mother Teresa because you gave someone a sanitary pad. You’re not the Pope because you gave someone a sandwich. Nobody is going to proclaim you a saint for fixing someone’s shoe. Just quit it. If you have to give someone a sandwich, give them a sandwich. Don’t make a damn video about it.

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

How to Stop it?

How to Stop it?

The easiest way to stop the trend? Ignore it. Don’t click on the story. Don’t watch the video. And above all, don’t make eye contact! You might even want to get some help with looking on the brighter side with a Law of Attraction exercise!

How To Arrest Social Media Humble Brags After Big Storms

Have You Seen This Trend?

Have You Seen This Trend?

Does it bug you, too? Let me know in the comments! I promise not to make a video of your comment.

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