Category Archives: Content Optimization

How to improve your SEO with user-friendly interlinking

Sure, backlinks are important, but columnist Kristopher Jones makes the case that internal linking is also a critical component of improving your website’s search engine optimization and user experience. Kristopher Jones on August 22, 2017   At my startup, LSEO, we recently ran an internal link audit to help inform and refine our growth marketing … Continue reading How to improve your SEO with user-friendly interlinking

Stackla adds a Co-Pilot to recommend which user content should be published

The machine learning-based tool also suggests the best audience segments for engagement with that content. Barry Levine on June 21, 2017    The good news about user-generated content (UGC) is that there’s so much to choose from. And therein lies the rub. This week, UGC platform Stackla has expanded its machine learning into a product … Continue reading Stackla adds a Co-Pilot to recommend which user content should be published

Why content matters (no matter what type of marketer you are)

Columnist Rebecca Lieb outlines the reasons why content marketing is more important to brands and marketers than ever before. Rebecca Lieb on June 14, 2017   No matter what kind of marketer you are, content matters. The reasons for this are manifold. Yes, there’s content marketing, which has long been called the “new black” in … Continue reading Why content matters (no matter what type of marketer you are)