Aleh Barysevich October 24, 2021 Social listening is a weird discipline. It’s so versatile that it can be tricky to define – or even narrow down to a brief list of benefits or use cases. One could say, social media monitoring lets you manage brand reputation; and while it’s true, reputation management is just one … Continue reading Social Listening Guide: 8 Ways Companies Can Use Social Data
Category Archives: Social Data
The Data You Share on Social Platforms – Who Owns It?
Daniel Burrus September 18, 2020 The emergence of social media, dating back to the early 2000s, is revolutionary on so many levels. It is constantly evolving in its practical usage, as seen during the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, and in the many niche branches that have emerged for both entertainment and business usage, such as … Continue reading The Data You Share on Social Platforms – Who Owns It?
Four ways to fix the social data disconnect
When companies try to use social data for providing insights, they very often fail. Contributor Nate Elliott offers four ways to fix this problem. Nate Elliott on January 17, 2018 For the last 15 years, we’ve been using social data wrong. We think that because social marketing programs create lots of social data these … Continue reading Four ways to fix the social data disconnect
Which Social Data Do You Trust?
by Arik HansonOctober 16, 2016 I’ve had the same question come up with a few different clients recently, so I’m betting it’s one you might be asking, too: Which social data do you trust? Because you most likely have multiple sources. For example, any socially active company will most likely have the following data sources: … Continue reading Which Social Data Do You Trust?
5 Ws of the sharing economy: How social data gives marketers a competitive edge
Why should you be paying attention to the sharing economy? Columnist John Donnelly III dives into the social data that shows the sharing economy’s explosive growth and what marketers stand to gain from it. John Donnelly III on September 27, 2016 Not long ago, when you needed a ride in your city, you’d call a … Continue reading 5 Ws of the sharing economy: How social data gives marketers a competitive edge
The Demographics of Social Media Users in 2016
by Warren Knight January 5, 2016 Follow @warrenknightJanuary 5, 2016 It is well and truly 2016 which means it’s time to revisit studies and data that might have changed. I always make sure the data I share is relevant to my audience and recent enough for it to be applied to a business at this … Continue reading The Demographics of Social Media Users in 2016
Ask an Expert: The 10 Step Guide to Championing Social Data in Your Business
by Kristian Bannister January 6, 2016 Follow @bnnstrJanuary 6, 2016 One of the things we notice when speaking to our clients and peers is the sheer variety of ways that social data is applied within organizations. At its most simple, social data is being used to support listening and engagement functions and for measurement around … Continue reading Ask an Expert: The 10 Step Guide to Championing Social Data in Your Business
Common Pitfalls of Incorporating Social Data into your Marketing (And How to Avoid Them)
by Pam McBride December 22, 2015 Follow @leadsiftDecember 22, 2015 There is a near unlimited supply of social data available to marketers today. Consumers take to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more to express their innermost desires, their likes and dislikes, their every thought – in real time. Given this massive amount of data, marketers should … Continue reading Common Pitfalls of Incorporating Social Data into your Marketing (And How to Avoid Them)
Recognizing The Velocity Of Social Data
Joel WindelsOctober 27, 2015 This is the third and final part in a series on the changing trends in social data, and how three key areas must be considered whenever social technologies are used to derive insights. Part one: volume of data Part two: variety of data That social media has transformed the speed of … Continue reading Recognizing The Velocity Of Social Data
Commentary: Understanding The Variety Of Social Data
Joel WindelsOctober 18, 2015 This is the second part in a series on the changing trends in social data (read the first in the series here), and how three key areas must be considered whenever social technologies are used to derive insights. Part Two: Variety. Social media is, in essence, still immature. Though we’ve observed … Continue reading Commentary: Understanding The Variety Of Social Data