Tag Archives: Variety

Why You Need to be Able to Make Your Case to a Variety of Audiences

Liz Kislik — August 4, 2018 Follow @lizkislik — August 4, 2018 Very few decision-makers operate completely independently — even CEOs usually have to answer to a board. So unless you’re a sole owner, or a sole employee, you need to appeal to many different audiences to get support for your initiatives, as well as … Continue reading Why You Need to be Able to Make Your Case to a Variety of Audiences

13 Types of Blog Posts To Give Your Blog a Variety, And Up Your Readership

by Matt Brennan November 17, 2015 Follow @MattLBrennanNovember 17, 2015 Don’t get stuck writing the same types of blog posts over and over. One common complaint among business bloggers is a lack of ideas for posts. This can lead to recycling the same idea in the same fashion over and over. Your audience needs a … Continue reading 13 Types of Blog Posts To Give Your Blog a Variety, And Up Your Readership