Tag Archives: Creep

Agency Scope Creep: Why You Keep Doing Free Work For Your Clients… and How to Finally Stop

Karl Sakas — August 13, 2019 Follow @KarlSakas — August 13, 2019 Ready to stop agency scope creep? It’s harder than you think… but easier when you know why. During an Agency Roadmap milestone call, a client asked if I could do some additional financial analysis. I said I was glad to add it—but since … Continue reading Agency Scope Creep: Why You Keep Doing Free Work For Your Clients… and How to Finally Stop

Don’t creep me out! Here’s how to get personalization right in programmatic

With so much data at our disposal, there’s a fine line between relevant and creepy. Columnist Grace Kaye shares strategies for getting the right level of personalization in programmatic. Grace Kaye on October 25, 2017   Programmatic is one of the most exciting channels for personalization. We have lots of data at our disposal, which … Continue reading Don’t creep me out! Here’s how to get personalization right in programmatic