By Vikas Agrawal September 22nd, 2017 For every marketer, online branding is a puzzle that they must piece together themselves. Let’s face it, the guides you can find online can only cover so much. At the end of the day, you still have go through trial and error to devise a strategy that will match your … Continue reading 5 Branding Lessons from Social Media Stars
Category Archives: Social Media Lessons
Schooled in Social Media Spring 2017: Back to Basics
Denny McCorkle — May 16, 2017 Follow @DennyMcCorkle— May 16, 2017 A student’s perspective provides a fresh reminder of what social media is all about. Social Media Marketing is one of the most difficult classes I have ever taught. And, many of my students say it is one of the most difficult classes that they … Continue reading Schooled in Social Media Spring 2017: Back to Basics
How to Use Social Media for Your Lead Generation Marketing
Jackie Van Meter — March 27, 2017 — March 27, 2017 One of the most overlooked parts of a B2B marketing campaign is social media. Everyone likes to talk about it because it’s fun, and because it looks simple and easy. Because of that, social media doesn’t look like something where a business in a … Continue reading How to Use Social Media for Your Lead Generation Marketing
3 Helpful Social Media Lessons from “My Cousin Vinny”
Natalie Petersen — February 2, 2017 — February 2, 2017 What do you do on a lazy weekend afternoon? If you’re like me, you search for a good movie to kick back and watch. Most recently I was searching for something to strike my interest and I found it: “My Cousin Vinny.” Per an IMDB … Continue reading 3 Helpful Social Media Lessons from “My Cousin Vinny”
Social Media Mastery in 20 Minutes a Day
by Liesha Petrovich Follow @lieshapetrovichSeptember 16, 2016 It’s a myth that all businesses are using social media. In this day and age, when 1.57 billion people log onto Facebook every single day, it seems insane that a business wouldn’t at least try to market something on social media. But in reality, over 5 million businesses … Continue reading Social Media Mastery in 20 Minutes a Day
How to Build Your Social Brand: Lessons from Lego
by Angie Geffen August 1, 2016 Follow @AngieGeffenAugust 1, 2016 Lego is a storied brand. You probably played with Legos as a child, and now, your children probably play with them. If not, you at least knew people who did and know people who have them now. Over the years, Lego has grown from offering … Continue reading How to Build Your Social Brand: Lessons from Lego
Trump That: Social Media Lessons From The US Presidential Campaigns
By Melissa Duko July 27th, 2016 Social media is playing a transformative role in this presidential election. Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton are heavily utilizing social media platforms to connect with voters. And it’s working. Millions of people follow Trump and Clinton on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the numbers are growing every day. Via … Continue reading Trump That: Social Media Lessons From The US Presidential Campaigns
Social Media Marketing Lessons from Game of Thrones
by Ashwini Pai May 3, 2016May 3, 2016 Jon Snow is alive and Ramsay just killed his father Roose. Let the twists and turns of Season 6 of Game of Thrones begin! The television adaptation of the high fantasy series has captured the imagination of a global audience. It is HBO’s most popular series ever, … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Lessons from Game of Thrones
How to Use a Fan-Only Promotion to Turn Followers into Leads
by James Scherer April 25, 2016April 25, 2016 This article will give you a step-by-step guide to a strategy which will monetize your social media efforts and turn your Followers into leads quickly and easily. This walkthrough outlines how to create, run, promote and track the success of a Fan-Only social promotion. It’s a four-step … Continue reading How to Use a Fan-Only Promotion to Turn Followers into Leads
5 Powerful Social Media Practices From The Fast Food Industry
by Jake Camacho April 10, 2016April 10, 2016 There’s a whole lot of overlap in product offerings within the fast food industry and it can be difficult to differentiate yourself – after all, everyone claims that their burgers are the best and that their fries are the crispiest. At the end of the day, a … Continue reading 5 Powerful Social Media Practices From The Fast Food Industry