Category Archives: B2B Artificial Intelligence

How to use AI personality profiling for B2B engagement

Learn the benefits of AI personality profiling, from reaching a wider audience to honing in on what your audience values most. Scott Gillum on September 21, 2023 Every day we form impressions of the people we meet. We assess their trustworthiness, credibility and level of friendliness based on our interactions. In business, we often assess … Continue reading How to use AI personality profiling for B2B engagement

5 ways to harness AI in B2B content creation

Discover how to balance AI with human creativity when creating B2B content to achieve greater marketing success. Stephanie Trovato on May 26, 2023 Whether you’re for it or against it, AI is everywhere nowadays. Artificial intelligence has become integral to our daily lives — from chatbots and voice assistants to recommendation algorithms and personalized ads. … Continue reading 5 ways to harness AI in B2B content creation

Why AI will make the greatest impact on B2B audience insight, not content

AI tools can unlock insights into your audience’s behaviors and motivations, leading to improved performance. Scott Gillum on May 16, 2023 Less than 10 minutes after the release of ChatGPT, I received a spam email from a company offering AI-generated blog posts, probably generated by the tool. Maybe it wasn’t exactly 10 minutes, but it … Continue reading Why AI will make the greatest impact on B2B audience insight, not content