Tag Archives: Threat

Google SGE a top threat to brand and product search terms, study finds

Among the findings: 91.4% of all search queries triggered SGE; Quora was a big winner; and paid search ads appeared 50% of the time. Danny Goodwin on March 25, 2024 There will be “some erosion of current traffic levels” from brand-related terms as a result of Google’s Search Generative Experience, according to a new Authoritas … Continue reading Google SGE a top threat to brand and product search terms, study finds

Minority groups in countries around the world are worried about AI being a threat to jobs

  By Shalene Gupta October 31, 2023 Today, AI is evolving at a lightning pace, leaving everyone else scrambling to catch up as they wonder what the future will bring and, more specifically, how AI will impact jobs. Job search website Indeed surveyed over 7,000 employees and human resource professionals in seven countries (U.S., U.K., … Continue reading Minority groups in countries around the world are worried about AI being a threat to jobs

Toxic workplaces are a threat to employee health—how to make yours ‘antitoxic’

  By Tamara Myles December 19, 2022 Toxic workplaces aren’t just bad for morale—they’re a threat to human health. This year the U.S. Surgeon General made history, calling out toxic workplaces in connection with one of the worst mental health crises the U.S. has ever seen. “The link between our work and our health has … Continue reading Toxic workplaces are a threat to employee health—how to make yours ‘antitoxic’

A first-of-its-kind law in Houston poses a major threat to privacy

By Julian Melendi and Evan Enzer August 09, 2022   Houston’s troubling steps toward becoming a surveillance city should serve as a warning to people around the United States. Houston’s new ordinance co-opts businesses to spy on neighborhoods and poses extreme threats to our freedom by requiring companies to install cameras on their property—at the … Continue reading A first-of-its-kind law in Houston poses a major threat to privacy

Make Collaboration Easier by Eliminating the Fear of Threat

Liz Kislik December 8, 2021   Even the most collaborative, synergistic teams and relationships can be motivated by fear. This fear could be that someone might say or do something to disrupt or offend someone else; that someone may act in error; or that not all of the team’s efforts will be successful, recognized, or … Continue reading Make Collaboration Easier by Eliminating the Fear of Threat

Google’s FLoC poses a threat to identity solutions and advertisers

But the industry is are looking for other ways to reach audiences Kim Davis on April 5, 2021 “Ultimately, this is Big Tech crushing the little guys in the industry.” Jon Waterman, CEO of advertising marketplace Ad.net. “We’re going to have a scattered market of policies and regulations across countries and states – that’s already … Continue reading Google’s FLoC poses a threat to identity solutions and advertisers

Remote Sales Channels are Growing Rapidly, but so Are Threat Sources [Infographic]

David DeCorte February 2, 2021 Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time for retail to shift focus. Over the coming weeks and months, you’re going to need to put a lot of energy into keeping the revenue you generated over the last weeks of year. The post-holiday period in early- to mid-January has … Continue reading Remote Sales Channels are Growing Rapidly, but so Are Threat Sources [Infographic]