Tag Archives: ‘Rock

Why tech giants are putting $57 million into crushed volcanic rock

By Adele Peters   December 07, 2023 Last fall, on a farm in Northern Wisconsin, a farmer spread 1,421 metric tons of crushed volcanic rock on his fields before planting soybeans and corn. The rock dust, from a startup called Lithos, serves two purposes: For farmers, it increases yields. It also helps capture carbon. The … Continue reading Why tech giants are putting $57 million into crushed volcanic rock

This startup captures CO2 by injecting it straight into volcanic rock

  By Adele Peters January 03, 2023 In a remote, barren part of northern Kenya, a new pilot project will soon begin injecting CO2 more than 1,300 feet underground into volcanic rocks, where the greenhouse gas will also turn to stone. It’s a process that’s already been proven to work in Iceland, where a carbon … Continue reading This startup captures CO2 by injecting it straight into volcanic rock