Tag Archives: Owner Stance

The Influencer (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)

Robbin Schuurman — December 2, 2019 What is an Influencer? Some of the most famous and influencial leaders of all times include people like Mohandas K. Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. These gentlemen are in all the top-10 lists of being the ‘the best’ Politician, Influencer, world changer, etc. etc. … Continue reading The Influencer (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)

The Manager (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)

Chris Lukassen — December 2, 2019 What is a Manager? The Manager is concerned with the wellbeing of the Scrum Team. The Manager loves to see happy, engaged and motivated people. (S)he loves it when people are developing themselves, learning new skills, obtaining new knowledge and making mistakes. The Manager is a real people person, … Continue reading The Manager (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)

The Subject Matter Expert (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)

Robbin Schuurman — November 26, 2019 What is a Subject Matter Expert? The Subject Matter Expert or SME is the expert in telling you how stuff works. Product Owners that favor this stance are a blessing and a curse. When you bring relevant domain knowledge to the Scrum Team, they can make more informed decisions … Continue reading The Subject Matter Expert (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)

The Visionary (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)

Robbin Schuurman — November 25, 2019 What is a Visionary? Visionary Product Owners are people like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Thomas Edison and Winston Churchill. They have a clear vision about the future, they actively challenge the status quo and they are inspiring leaders to follow. Visionary Product Owners have a relentless focus on what … Continue reading The Visionary (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)

The Customer Representative (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)

Robbin Schuurman — November 27, 2019 What is a Customer Representative? The Customer Representative Product Owner is the go-to person for people in the organization who want to gain a understanding of what customers (and/or users) are looking for in the product or service which the Product Owner is responsible for. Product Owners who take … Continue reading The Customer Representative (A Preferred Product Owner Stance)

The Project Manager (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)

Robbin Schuurman — November 28, 2019 The Project Manager is typically concerned with day-to-day progress of the Development Team. They rarely (or never) miss a Daily Scrum, they’re involved during the Daily Scrum and it might just be that they’re asking individual team members what they’ve done, what they’re going to do and if there’s … Continue reading The Project Manager (A Misunderstood Product Owner Stance)