SEO Outsourcing – Dos and Don’ts [Infographic]

— June 18, 2019

The importance of having a solid Search Engine Optimization strategy, and a capable team that can execute that strategy cannot be stressed enough in today’s highly competitive online landscape. With nearly all businesses establishing their own digital presence, it is only imperative for any company to invest in SEO not only to remain visible in the online search, but also to keep their brand reachable for their target market.

But as most business owners and digital marketers know, SEO is not just another marketing tactic that can be easily executed, let alone be formulated. A holistic SEO plan requires years of expertise, skills, and effort which can be quite expensive when translated into workforce and amount of money needed.

To free them from such burden, many companies these venture into what is called SEO outsourcing. Offered in many countries such as the Philippines, SEO outsourcing is considered the most cost-effective way for any business of any size to remain competitive in the organic search realm.

However, many of the SEO outsourcing agencies that sprouted like mushrooms for the past decade often promise unrealistic results through inefficient or even unethical strategies. This resulted for many businesses to lose money and never put trust again in SEO as a way to grow their business.

To help you avoid this trap, here are the key takeaways of the latest infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines, which discuss in detail the top do’s and don’ts when outsourcing SEO.


  1. Know your goals for outsourcing your SEO.
  2. Choose the right method of SEO outsourcing.
  3. Pick the right type of SEO provider.
  4. Low quality spammers.
  5. Research the SEO company’s background and performance.


  1. Expect that outsourcing employees can function without your guidance.
  2. Deal with a company that isn’t knowledgeable with latest SEO updates.
  3. Think that SEO outsourcing is a magic pill that can deliver instant results.

To learn why it is important to follow these do’s and don’ts when outsourcing SEO, check out the full infographic below.

SEO Outsourcing – Dos and Don’ts [Infographic]

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Jomer Gregorio

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