How to Get More Subscribers on Your Blog

by Ivana Kitanovic March 19, 2016
March 19, 2016

Your blog is nothing without the loyal readers, known as subscribers in the online dictionary, that always come back to read and share your content. Without them, you may as well consider your writing thrown in a well far from the eyes of your audience. Yes. Every word of yours is forgotten and hidden from the world. You don’t want that, do you?

That’s why you have to build a huge list of subscribers that would boost your blog and add as many names as possible on it every day.

Of course you wonder how to achieve that so I’ll tell you that you’ve come to the right spot. Read on to find out the most useful ways to get more subscribers on your blog and actually make them stay.

Give them a map

Geographical map and a compass. Photo magnetic compass located on a topographic map.

Firstly, let’s bring your potential subscribers to your blog. And how to do that if not give them a map with your URL written in big fat letters? Only in the online era you don’t need a parchment to draw it on, because you have SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

All you have to do is make your content SEO-friendly, thus help your blog feature on the search engines’ (Google, Yahoo and Bing) first page. What I mean by that is to write keywords that describe the content in the text, so that the search engines’ algorithm could pick them up and place you among their top searches. That way whenever someone types something connected to your field they’ll be able to find you and subscribe. For instance, if you run a food blog your posts should be stuffed with words such as ‘pizza’, ‘burger’, ‘fruit’, ‘cakes’ and so on.

Remember, the higher your blog ranks the more subscribers would come to it.

Put the subscribe button under their nose

Subscribe key on the computer keyboard, three-dimensional rendering

Okay, let’s say your readers found you and came to your blog. Now what? You have to make it as easy as possible for them to figure out where to subscribe. Placing the subscribe button under their noses where everyone can see it is just the right move for that purpose. It can be anywhere around your blog as long as it’s colorful and sticks out from the rest of the features.

Think of a catchy phrase to go with the button like “Hit it and unleash the awesomeness,” paint the letters in bright colors such as red to invite the readers into clicking it and there you have it. The perfect formula for the success of your blog.

Offer an incentive

Woman holding a gift box in a gesture of giving

That’s right. The real deal into convincing users to subscribe to your blog is to offer them something in return. No one can resist getting an incentive for their devotion so take care to provide that for them.

For example, you can give away an eBook with advice of some sort or a product you produce, which is a part of your blog. There you go! You’re surely getting the wanted attention and subscriptions. Don’t get me wrong! It doesn’t always have to be something you’ve created. You can offer a video or a plugin you’ve come up with and think it’s useful for the users. Just mind that you are supposed to give the incentive as soon as the users subscribe. Otherwise, not only that they’ll unsubscribe but they’ll think of you as unprofessional and never visit your blog again, too. You won’t let that happen, right?

Call them to action

Closeup of male telemarketing salesperson holding a telephone receiver dialing phone number to make a business call.

It’s all in how you say your request. When you ask someone to subscribe to you, you may as well state it in an energetic and persuasive tone referred to as call to action (CTA). That would do the job for you and make the users cooperate in your idea faster. Your CTA is more important for gaining subscribers than anything else. It affects the number of subscribers on your blog. Therefore, if you make it look like you don’t really care if they subscribe or not they will lose interest and go away. That’s why compose your CTA in a creative yet compelling matter. How to do that?

For an illustration, we’ll stick with the food blog. Take a look at these two sentences:

  • Press this and subscribe now!
  • Want 100+ recipes to spread the aroma around your house? Hit subscribe!

You see how in the second one the users get a concrete image of what they get from your blog. Exactly that will make them subscribe. Additionally, I provide you a free call-to-action button generator for your blog.

Promotion leads to victory

girls with phones

Nowadays, the most powerful technique for shouting your name to the world is of course the promotion of your content. It has the power to transform everything into a well-buzzed topic including your blog and your posts. Having that in mind, you should promote all the time and wherever you get the chance.

One thing you can use is social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Post frequently about your blog there and tell people what the benefits of subscribing to you are. That way they will easily spot you and come to your blog.

Another thing you can do is include the link of your blog in your email signature to ensure that when you send an email the recipients will have a chance to find your blog and subscribe.

If that doesn’t satisfy you, there’s more. Have you heard of guest posting? It’s when you go to another person’s blog and post something that complements the topics of both blogs. As you can see that’s a perfect opportunity for a wider audience to see how you write and come and subscribe if they like your words.

All of these points remind us how vital it is for a blog to gain subscribers. A writer is simply nothing without their readers much like an actor before an empty theater. As you know it is not an easy job to achieve that, but I hope I eased it a bit for you. Although your content will always remain the crucial point for making people like you and subscribe to you, with everything mentioned above you stand a greater chance at increasing the number of subscribers. One last advice I can give you is to never give up. Believe in yourself and strive to be the best version of yourself. Trust me when I say that your confidence and marvelous posts will provoke hundreds and thousands of readers to hit the subscribe button.

Feel free to spill your experiences in the comments.

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