Category Archives: PPC Mistakes

6 Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your PPC Campaign (And Costing You Thousands)

Paul Morris August 27, 2020 The success of a PPC campaign relies on being able to use the requisite platform properly. Errors that are easy to make can end up being very costly and effect the long term performance of your account. In this article I want to cover some common mistakes and offer some … Continue reading 6 Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your PPC Campaign (And Costing You Thousands)

The Most Over-Looked Component of Many Social Media Campaigns

by Arik HansonSeptember 20, 2016 You know what’s perplexing about the way companies plan for today’s social media campaigns? They don’t plan for BEST-CASE scenarios. And, in this case, that means planning and staffing appropriately for community management. Consider the following scenario: You’ve been planning a social media campaign as part of a broader marketing … Continue reading The Most Over-Looked Component of Many Social Media Campaigns