Tag Archives: Suites

The Real Story on MarTech: Is platforms vs. products replacing suites vs. best of breed?

Thinking of solutions as sitting on a spectrum between platforms and products will help clarify your business and operations models. Tony Byrne on October 20, 2021 For as long as I can remember, the dichotomy of “suites vs. best of breed” has dominated marketing tech architectural decision-making considerations. You can understand why. As stacks expand … Continue reading The Real Story on MarTech: Is platforms vs. products replacing suites vs. best of breed?

Move Aside, HR Suites. There’s a Simpler Solution at Hand

Rahis Saifi — February 21, 2019 Follow @57rahis — February 21, 2019 Managing the human resources department of a growing company is thrilling, but the excitement can quickly become clouded by the increasing demands of finding and training new hires, managing employees, and providing career development opportunities. Today’s thriving job market creates extra stress for … Continue reading Move Aside, HR Suites. There’s a Simpler Solution at Hand

Do the Moz & Raven retreats back to basics signal the rise of point solutions over marketing suites?

After years of martech companies assembling and launching all-in-one marketing suites, recent news suggests the tide has turned. Contributor and Third Door Media CEO Chris Elwell suggests what this might mean — renewed focus on single-point solutions and on the bottom line. Chris Elwell on August 24, 2016   Two companies in the martech space … Continue reading Do the Moz & Raven retreats back to basics signal the rise of point solutions over marketing suites?