Remember, Connect, And Grow Possibilities

May 15, 2015


Frequently, when you are relaxed and away from the computer, the names of people will come to mind. A great habit to acquire is to jot down those names in a safe place for easy recall when you return to your desk. With a list in place, reach out one by one, to extend a message of “I was thinking of you.”

These types of messages are among the ones to be returned first. People love to be remembered. Even if the relationship is merely a business acquaintance, you will hear back.

Imagine the possibilities that could grow just from taking a simple action.

The type of communication, such as phone or emailed greeting card, doesn’t matter as much as the sincere follow-up when you do connect. Have a concrete reason as to why you wish to reconnect to start a dialogue. Perhaps you met someone else who reminded you of this person, or you want to introduce the two. It is in those special moments when someone’s name comes to mind, there is usually a good reason as to the “why.”

Another great time to reconnect is when it comes to holidays. The kindness of calling someone to say you were thinking of them, and wanted to wish them a happy holiday, brings joy into their lives. An added touch is to ask their plans. Spreading added joy to those you care about or who come to mind will strengthen your relationship, and potentially, build future possibility for business.

This idea stems from original sales advice received. My first Sales Manager suggested that on every holiday, I gift every single person encountered, while prospecting for business, with a miniature candy bar. The investment was minimal, but the results were tremendous.

With a big smile on my face, I would walk up to the guard, doorman, secretary etc. and wish each a happy holiday while handing them the candy. This would quickly be followed with an innocent asking of, “I was wondering if you could help me?” Sure enough, the help was almost 100 percent. Honest!

The disclaimer today concerns the maximum security at many office buildings. However, if you still walk a territory and have business parks in your area, this is well worth a try.

Mother’s Day just past but Father’s Day is around the corner. Consider using this holiday as the opportunity to reconnect with those who have fallen out of touch. A word of caution is, don’t assume someone is a father, but they may be celebrating with friends or family. They will be happy to hear your good wishes for a nice weekend.

Underlying all of this is the fact that people buy from people they know, like, and trust. The thoughtfulness positively builds your personal brand. By showing you are thinking of the person, and that you care enough to take the time to wish them a good holiday, will go miles in building a strong relationship. Ultimately, this may well turn into new projects and possibly added sales.

Take some quiet time to make a list of all those who come to mind, such as friends, neighbors, clients and prospective clients, to efficiently reach out and connect. You and they will be glad you did! This is one more way to enjoy the Smooth Sale!

Business & Finance Articles on Business 2 Community


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