How To Stay Motivated

— April 23, 2018

How do you stay motivated when things aren’t going right or you’re having a bad day? It’s impossible to stay positive all of the time, but you still need some motivation. So what do you do when your motivation has taken a break and forgotten to let you know it’s gone on leave?

Look How Far You’ve Come

I know it’s cliche to say look how far you’ve come because it’s such a well-worn term. But actually look, and look really hard at how far you have come. When Facebook reminds you of what you were doing 5 years ago think about what your life was like then. Were you doing what you’re doing now? Were you pursuing your dreams? Did you have the same job? What was your home life like? Many times we don’t realize ourselves just how far we’ve come.

Eat Your Frog

I don’t mean this in the literal sense so please don’t go eating any frogs. But the saying goes that you should eat your frog for breakfast. Which basically means that you should do your most difficult task first thing in the morning to then set yourself up for a more positive day. I’ve been trying this lately as I’m not the best morning person so now I attempt to do my worst task first and then reward myself with a coffee. I can’t have my coffee until I’ve eaten my frog. This then motivates me to get it done and then concentrate on my nicer tasks of the day.

Celebrate Your Wins

You might feel some days that you aren’t achieving very much and this doesn’t make you feel very motivated. But if you celebrate even the smallest of wins you’ll feel better about the baby steps you’ll be taking to building your business. Even if it’s just ticking something off your to-do list, give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate the achievement.

Remember to write out your absolutely must do items each day and ensure they get done no matter what. You can read more about Goal Setting here.

Grow Your Network Marketing Business

My Masterclass is now available to sign up to for anyone who wants to grow their Network Marketing business, either as a side hustle or to create a full-time income. Please take a look and I look forward to helping you grown your business.

How To Stay Motivated

Business & Finance Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Samantha Martin

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