Tag Archives: Workweek

These industries might benefit most from a 4-day workweek

July 03, 2024 These industries might benefit most from a 4-day workweek Can a 32-hour workweek be implemented in only certain types of white-collar jobs, or can it work in all industries? BY Nicole Gull McElroy When architecture firm BSB Design shifted to a 32-hour, four-day workweek in 2021, Dan Swift, the company’s president and CEO, … Continue reading These industries might benefit most from a 4-day workweek

Exos CEO Sarah Robb O’Hagan believes a four-day workweek will soon be the norm

May 31, 2024 Exos CEO Sarah Robb O’Hagan believes a four-day workweek will soon be the norm The CEO of fitness and coaching firm Exos talks burnout and embracing failure on the latest episode of the ‘Rapid Response’ podcast. BY Robert Safian As a slew of execs embrace the quest to stay as young and fit … Continue reading Exos CEO Sarah Robb O’Hagan believes a four-day workweek will soon be the norm

What’s the future of the 32-hour and 4-day workweek?

May 19, 2024 What’s the future of the 32-hour and 4-day workweek? How companies are rejiggering the workweek to offer 4-day and 32-hour options. BY Lydia Dishman Welcome to Work Smarter, Fast Company‘s newsletter on career, leadership, and productivity advice. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here. There has been a lot of buzz in … Continue reading What’s the future of the 32-hour and 4-day workweek?

Forget the 4-day workweek. We should be talking about the 5-day, 32-hour week instead

  By Kathleen Davis November 27, 2023 I often think about the Maggie Smith line in Downton Abbey “What is a weekend?” Being a Countess, she didn’t know what a weekend was because she had no workweek. But there was a time in the not so distant past when working Americans also had never heard … Continue reading Forget the 4-day workweek. We should be talking about the 5-day, 32-hour week instead

So you’ve decided to implement a 4-day workweek. Now what?

  By Jared Lindzon In early 2022, business was booming for digital publisher Alpha Brand Media, and staff were struggling to keep up with demand. “We were going through classic growing pains, needing to scale the company’s infrastructure and workflows and processes and policies, and it was quite disruptive,” recalls CEO Jenise Uehara. “It was … Continue reading So you’ve decided to implement a 4-day workweek. Now what?

Will Maryland be the first state to adopt a 4-day workweek?

  By Adele Peters January 31, 2023 When more than 30 companies spent six months testing a four-day workweek last year—changing their schedules without reducing salaries—they overwhelmingly reported positive results. Productivity went up. It was easier to hire and retain employees. And workers, unsurprisingly, were happier with their jobs and reported better work-life balance. In … Continue reading Will Maryland be the first state to adopt a 4-day workweek?

The 4-day workweek shows us that working more doesn’t mean more success

  By Brandi Olson November 20, 2022   During a recent coaching session, my client had a confession for me: Her marketing team was making a long-anticipated shift to the coveted four-day workweek. But instead of celebrating, her team was . . . lukewarm. Sure, they were a little excited at the thought of having … Continue reading The 4-day workweek shows us that working more doesn’t mean more success