Tag Archives: Collateral

New email sender rules: Legitimate mailers will be collateral damage

The ‘bad guys’ won’t be deterred. The ‘good guys’ will be injured. Marc Sirkin on March 4, 2024 New Google and Yahoo rules governing sending email will lead to an arms race pitting email providers against spammers. Conscientious emailers, caught in the crossfire, will be collateral damage.  Authentication of outgoing emails, limiting user-reported spam rates … Continue reading New email sender rules: Legitimate mailers will be collateral damage

Aligning collateral and micro-conversions with the buying cycle

Columnist Amy Bishop believes it’s time to rethink the age-old strategy of a singular conversion point. Learn how to leverage your content to guide consumers through the purchase funnel while obtaining marketing insights that will help you drive sales. Amy Bishop on August 23, 2016  I am a big proponent of having multiple conversion options, … Continue reading Aligning collateral and micro-conversions with the buying cycle