Category Archives: Startups Mistakes

The 4 “Wrongs” That Could Kill Your Startup Before You Ever Get Started

Kevin Johnson — December 5, 2016 Follow @redhotkevbot— December 5, 2016 These days, it seems like almost everyone wants to go into business for themselves. The thing is, launching your own startup is no easy task. While business failure rates have certainly declined over the last few years, the statistics tell us that the odds … Continue reading The 4 “Wrongs” That Could Kill Your Startup Before You Ever Get Started

How to Avoid the Pitfalls that Cause Many Startup Companies to Fail

by Rushal Patel Follow @patelrushalOctober 20, 2016 Most startup companies that fail have the same problems in common. Here are the six common pitfalls that cause startup companies in the industry of cyber security to fail. The media would have you believe that the path to Silicon Valley is paved with gold. The reality is … Continue reading How to Avoid the Pitfalls that Cause Many Startup Companies to Fail

6 Mistakes that Every Startup Needs to Avoid

by Adam Frankel May 23, 2016 Follow @FrankelInteractMay 23, 2016 Running a startup company? Worried about its finances? Not sure about its future prospect? You are not alone then. Most startups go through the same journey and reverberate the same thoughts and experiences. But there’s an alternative reality. Some startups (Very few in number) face … Continue reading 6 Mistakes that Every Startup Needs to Avoid

Startups: Don’t Overreact to Dots

by Adam Steinberg February 18, 2016 Follow @adams472February 18, 2016 “Altogether too often, people substitute opinions for facts and emotions for analysis.” – Only the Paranoid Survive As a startup, you’re constantly getting new data and feedback from the market. Every day, it seems like you have discovered something new about your business. It’s incredibly … Continue reading Startups: Don’t Overreact to Dots